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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Vineyard soils characterization and its influence on the grape quality of cv. Carmenère in the Maipo Valley, Chile

Vineyard soils characterization and its influence on the grape quality of cv. Carmenère in the Maipo Valley, Chile


Produced since 1998, the De Martino Single Vineyard Carmenère is the first Carmenère Icon wine of Chile. The grapes are coming form a plot of 11 ha in Isla de Maipo, where the technicians of the winery have developed knowledge of their work, resulting in 3 levels of quality of the grapes. Normally harvested with no precision, this study is oriented towards the understanding of the differences in the quality of the Carmenère, mainly caused by different kinds of soils, and also the development of an accurate cartography of the different terroir units. The zonage of terroir units, made by filed observations of the vines and the soils physical properties, plus electric conductivity of soils and NDVI analysis allows the oenological team to make a selected harvest in 2007. Finally, different stages of sensorial analysis where developed to follow the resultants of this work for his first year.


Publication date: December 8, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2008

Type : Article


Eduardo Jordan (1), Marcelo Retamal (1), Daniela Ibáñez (2), Oscar Seguel (2), Álvaro Peña (2), Pedro Parra (2)

(1) Viña Demartino, Manuel Rodríguez 229, Isla de Maipo
(2) Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Departamento de Agroindustrias y Enología. Casilla 1004, Santiago. Chile

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Carménère, chili, terroir, sols, zonage


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2008


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