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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Terroir Conferences 9 Terroir 2008 9 Climate component of terroir 9 The effect of ecological conditions on the germination of pollen, fecundation and yield of some grapevine cultivars in Skopje region, Republic of Macedonia

The effect of ecological conditions on the germination of pollen, fecundation and yield of some grapevine cultivars in Skopje region, Republic of Macedonia


The ecological conditions (climatic factors and soil) during the whole year, and especially before flowering and during the time of flowering, have a great influence on the functional ability of pollen, the pollination, the fecundation and the yielding potential of the cultivars of grapevine.
During the period of time 2003-2005, researches have been conducted about the percentage of germination of pollen, the percentage of self-pollination and cross-pollination and the yielding potential of certain cultivars of grapevine in R. Macedonia, more precisely in Skopje area of vineyards.
The following cultivars of grapevines were examined: Vranec, Dattier, Italia and two different varieties of Drenok (Drenok red and Drenok black). They had different resistance to the winter low temperatures and the spring late frosts, which had a certain influence on the fecundation.
The examined cultivars of grapevine are mainly characterized with good germination of pollen and they are with a good degree of fecundation in optimal climatic conditions, excepting the varieties of Drenok (Drenok red and Drenok bleck). The obtained results of the examined elements are of a great importance for further yield and quality of the grape of the examined cultivars.


Publication date: December 8, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2008

Type : Article


Biljana KORUNOSKA (1), Zvonimir BOŽINOVIĆ (2), Srebra ILIĆ-POPOVA (2), Elizabeta ANGELOVA (2)

(1) Institut of Agriculture, Aleksandar Makedonski bb, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,
(2) Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food, Aleksandar Makedonski bb, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

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ecological conditions, germination of pollen, pollination, fecundation, yielding potential


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2008


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