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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 GiESCO 9 GiESCO 2023 9 Category: Poster session - New disease tolerant varieties

New disease tolerant varieties

Poster sessions

GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Preliminary field studies of resistance of Georgian grapevine germplasm to powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator)

Erysiphe necator Schwein is a fungus that causes grapevine powdery mildew. It is one of the most problematic pathogens attacking Vitis vinifera L. The pathogen infects all green parts of the plant and reduces grape yield and quality. The suppression on mildew-susceptible cultivars requires intensive use of fungicides against pathogen, which has negative impact on the environment and human health.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

High-altitude vineyards under extreme conditions in the PIWI context of cultivation: economic and marketing evidence from an exploratory study in Northern Italy

Viticulture has spread to unexpected locations, such as high-altitude terrain. Among these, high-altitude viticulture has captured considerable attention, not only for the uniqueness of its products and landscapes but also because it offers an effective response to climate changes
The aim of this study is to analyse and compare wineries that used Piwi varieties (acronym for the German Pilzwiderstandfähig, i.e., cryptogame-resistant) at high altitudes (between 500 and 920 m a.s.l.) with the traditional non-mountainous viticulture model.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

The start of Croatian grapevine breeding program

Modern viticulture in Croatia and the world is mainly based on the grapevine varieties susceptible to various diseases and pests, which leads to unsustainable use of large amounts of pesticides. The sustainable development of viticulture in the future will only be possible by increasing the resistance of the grapevine through the development of new resistant varieties. Breeding programs have been launched in the leading wine-growing countries with the aim of developing resistant varieties possessing high quality level. Coratia is rich in in native grapevine varieties that are the basis of wine production, and are not included in the breeding programs of other countries.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Prosensorial potential of new fungi-resistant varieties in modern oenology

The introduction into the Italian wine supply chain of the latest generation of fungi-resistant grapevine varieties, endowed with a greater or lesser strong resistance to downy and powdery mildews, represents a valid tool of making viticulture more sustainable, particularly in northern regions of the peninsula, where climatic conditions accentuate the pressure of fungal diseases. However, the affirmation of resistant varieties is a function of their agronomic value, as well as of their oenological and sensorial value. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in detail the sensory potential of the new resistant varieties, in order to understand their real possibility of inclusion in the modern global enological context.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023Poster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Aroma characterisation of mold resistant sparkling wines produced in a warm-temperate area

In recent years, resistant varieties have returned to the attention of the wine sector as a response to climate change and the reduction of pesticides in grapevine management, which is the main culprit of pesticide use in European agriculture. In this context, the production of sparkling wines could be strongly influenced due to its requirements for a particular balance between sugars and acidity, and the necessity of sound grapes to ensure wine quality. However, these parameters are not the only ones that define the suitability of a grape variety to produce sparkling wine.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Genomic characterization of extant genetic diversity in grapevine

Dating back to the early domestication period of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), expansion of human activity led to the creation of thousands of modern day genotypes that serve multiple purposes such as table and wine consumption. They also encompass a strong phenotypic diversity. Presently, viticulture faces various challenges, which include threatening climatic change scenarios and an historical track record of genetic erosion. Paritularly with regards to wine varieties, there is a pressing need to characterize the extant genetic diversity of modern varieties, as a means to delvier knowledge-based solutions under a rapidly evolving scenario, that may enable improved yields and profiles, resistance to pathogens, and increased resilience to climate change.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Impact of high temperatures on phenolic profile of Babić grapes

Babić is a Croatian native grapevine variety grown in the Coastal region, mainly in the Šibenik and Primošten areas, famous for high quality red wines. The region is known for its warm Mediterranean climate and karst relief. Vineyards are found on the hillsides of varying slopes and exposition usually giving low yields of exceptional quality.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Soluble solids and firmness responses of a very slow ripening mutant to ripening acceleration treatments

Wine grapes have the ability to accumulate high amounts of hexoses (glucose and fructose), which is considered one of the main processes occurring during the ripening stage. Sugar accumulation dynamics respond to genetic, environmental and vineyard management factors, with a changing climate leading to advanced and faster sugar accumulation worldwide. Research on mitigation techniques to this phenomenon is ongoing, with the largest focus being vineyard techniques to delay sugar accumulation. Breeding represents another powerful tool to address the issue of high sugar concentration at harvest, since historical trends of selecting best sugar-accumulators may be inverted to breed varieties that accumulate diminished concentrations of hexoses while maintaining optimal acidity, color, mouthfeel and aroma compounds.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Behavior of disease resistant grapevine varieties to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) infections in the Castelli Romani area (Central Italy)

At CREA – Centro di Ricerca di Viticoltura ed Enologia, based in Velletri (RM), an experimental vineyard including 10 downy mildew resistent/tolerant grape varieties and two susceptible varieties was set up with the principal goal to evaluate the behavoir of these varieties in term of resistance to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). This evaluation, together to oenological studies, are necessary to register them also in Regional Register (in Lazio region). Monitoring of behavior towards Plasmopara viticulture of resistant vines were done in 2020 and 2021 at different times (phenological stages) and until harvesting, according to an international standard code BBCH a centesimal phenological scale, based on coding system.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023Poster session - New disease tolerant varieties

Swiss program for the creation of fungal disease resistant grape varieties in Switzerland

Grapevine breeding is part of the research program of Agroscope in Switzerland since 1965. From 1965 to 1995, the aim of the Vitis vinifera crosses was to obtain a high resistance to grey rot (Botrytis cinerea), one of the most virulent fungal pathogens in the Swiss vineyard. In 2021, the grape varieties released from this first breeding program covered 936 ha of the 15’000 ha of the Swiss vineyard.
In 1996, a second breeding program aimed at obtaining, by classical interspecific hybridization, grape varieties resistant to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and powdery mildew (Erisyphe necator) and less sensitive to grey rot (Botrytis cinerea). In order to accelerate and make the selection process more reliable, an early biochemical test was developed based on the natural defense mechanisms of the vine against downy mildew (stilbene phytoalexins). The synthesis of stilbenes (i.e., resveratrol and its oxidized dimers - and -viniférine) and pterostilbenes (methylated derivative) is among the most efficient induced defense mechanisms of grapevine against fungal pathogens on both the leaves and the clusters.

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