IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 OIV 9 OIV 2024 9 Category: Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products ( Page 4 )

Orals – Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Viticulture between adaptation and resilience: the role of the Italian long-term observatories for vineyard energy, water and carbon budgets

Viticulture is exposed to a range of new stressors, that are challenging its sustainability and disrupting famous and well-established production regions. Steady increase of average temperature, recurring heat waves, altered rainfall seasonal distribution, drought spells, increased pathogens pressure, they all mix up with increased frequency, making every growing season a special challenge and calling for new approaches to cope with worrying scenarios.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Vitiforestry as innovative heritage. Adaptive conservation of historical wine-growing landscapes as response to XXI century’s challenges

Traditional agricultural and agro-pastoral systems (prior to industrial revolution) often have the characteristic of being multiple systems, in which multiple crops are hosted simultaneously on the same plot. currently research suggests to study more in depth the potential of multiple agricultural systems in order to detect those characteristics of multiple agrarian systems that could allow modern viticulture to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change: rising temperatures with impacts on the phenological cycle of the vine, resurgence of plant deseases, extreme soil washout phenomena and hail storms, among others.

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