IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 OIV 9 OIV 2024 9 Category: Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products ( Page 2 )

Orals – Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Exploring physiological diversity in vitis genotypes: hydraulic traits in vines for oenological purposes and vines for table grapes

to maintain viticulture under global warming conditions, it is important to carefully select the appropriate genotypes for each vine-growing region and develop cultivars that are drought resistant. this ability is highly dependent on hydraulic traits, which are dynamic and vary according to the vine's developmental stage and climatic conditions. this framework steadily enhances our understanding of the differences in drought resistance among vitis genotypes. however, there is still a need to comprehensively grasp the intra-specific variability, particularly between oenological and table grape cultivars.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

From vine to wine : a multi-trait experiment for increasing the varietal diversity in the bordeaux wine region. How to adapt to climate change without damaging terroir expression?

Context and purpose of the study climate change is impacting wine typicity across the globe, raising concerns in wine regions historically renowned for the quality of their terroir. Replacing some of the plant material can be an efficient lever for adapting to climate change. However, the change of cultivars also raises questions about the region’s wine typicity. This study, based on seven years of data, investigates the potential adaptability of over 50 different varieties in the bordeaux wine region.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Grafting , the most sustainable way to control Phylloxera for over 150 years

Just over 150 years ago, phylloxera, daktulosphaera vitifoliae, was introduced to europe, and particularly france, from north america via imports of american vitis plants. This aphid, with its complex biology and life cycle, has spread rapidly to most vineyards, causing rapid and lethal decline of v. Vinifera vines due to the primary and secondary damage it causes to the roots. In response to this pest, and given the economic importance of the french wine sector, professional representatives organised into ‘agricultural societies’, scientists and public authorities rallied together to identify the exact causes, seek solutions and try to stem the serious socio-economic crisis that ensued.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

History of inorganic and isotopic signatures in Champagne over the last century: lessons

The notion of «terroir» refers to the link between the composition, quality and taste of a wine, on the one hand, and its place of origin, on the other. It involves, among other things, the signature of soil elements, as well as the influence of climatic conditions and plant material used. The composition of the wine is also influenced by the winemaking, storage and bottling processes. We were lucky enough to have a time series of the same champagne, from the end of the first world war to the present. On this exceptional time series, we followed, with the most advanced methods, all the elemental signatures by isotopic multi-dilution, the evolution of the isotopic ratios of heavy elements with very high precision of Sr, Pb, B and Cu.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Hyperspectral imaging for precision viticulture

Precision viticulture aims to optimize vineyard management by monitoring and responding to variability within vine plots. this work presents a comprehensive study on the application of hyperspectral imaging (hsi) technology for monitoring purposes in precision viticulture. authors explore the deployment of hsi sensors on various platforms including laboratory settings, terrestrial vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles, facilitating the collection of high-resolution data across extensive vineyard areas.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Innovative approaches in the evaluation of the spatial and temporal biodiversity of grape varieties from the Portuguese Bairrada appellation using LIMM-PCA: a study across five harvests

Sustainable viticulture and winemaking continue to represent huge challenges, where a better knowledge about the functional role of biodiversity in the vineyard and wine ecosystems is required, as well as the varieties plasticity. Particular attention should be devoted to the spatial and temporal interactions between authorized or recommended varieties for a specific demarcated region and clime and vineyard conditions (such as soil type, orientation of the lines, age of the vine, density of planting, harvesting practices, among others).

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Isotopes to distinguish production system in Brazilian viticulture

Organic viticulture integrates practices aimed at foresting positive relationships among, vines, soil, and climate, with a focus on sustainability, social responsibility, and environmental protection. To safeguard production integrity, regulatory bodies worldwide conduct organic certifications in accordance with relevant regulations. Considering that agriculture practices influence the nitrogen, carbon and oxygen isotope composition, the study aimed to investigate the response of these isotopes in grape must cultivated by organic, biodynamic and conventional methods to distinguish between production systems.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Metabolic response of vitis vinifera and interspecific vitis sp. varieties to heat stress, water deficit and combined stress, using a metabolomic approach

As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, climate projections indicate an increased likelihood of heat waves and drier conditions in canada. these changes pose significant challenges to grapevine cultivation, particularly during critical growth stages such as new plantings. interspecific hybrid grape varieties, developed through different breeding programs that combine vitis vinifera with more robust species like v. riparia and v. labrusca varieties, are often touted for their potential resilience to environmental stress.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Oenological potential of wines and agronomical characterisation of grapes from five white resistant Italian varieties at Serra Gaúcha, Southern Brazil

Rio grande do sul is the main grape producing state in Brazil, with the largest wine-growing area, responsible by 90% of the national production of wines and grape juices. Serra Gaúcha is the main vitivinicultural region, where around 15% of the area is destined to produce wines from vitis vinifera L. grapes. This region presents high rainfall during the grape maturation cycle, a factor that leads to great risk of attacks by fungal pathogens. the use of resistant varieties can reduce the cost and quantity of spraying, improving wine quality, focusing on a sustainable vitiviniculture.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

OIV ampelographic descriptors: reviewing process, digitalisation and editing the 3rd edition

Ampelography is aimed at describing the vine according to several characteristics, such as morphology, agronomic aptitudes, technological potential, and genetics. The description of varieties and species of vitis has long been the subject of numerous scientific and technical studies by eminent specialists for a long time, which have led the OIV to publish in 1983 the “descriptor list for grape varieties and vitis species”, a milestone among the OIV worldwide recognised codes.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Omicbots – an innovative and intelligent multi-omics platform facing wine sector challenges 

To face emerging competition and challenges, wine producers globally rely on precision viticulture (PV) solutions to boost productivity, enhance quality, increase profitability, and reduce the environmental impact of vineyards. Current pv methods predominantly use multispectral sensor data from several platforms (satellites or vineyard installations). However, these applications generally use data analysis strategies lacking physiological grapevine support.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Opportunities and challenges in the adoption of new grape varieties by producers: a case study from the Northeastern United States

Grape breeding for resistance to fungal diseases is today very dynamic throughout the world notably in France. New varieties are obtained by hybridization between susceptible varieties of the vitis vinifera species and resistant genotypes, with breeding programs generally lasting between 15 and 25 years and resulting in the registration of a few new varieties. Though these varieties can provide several benefits and can be planted by winegrowers, they are not always systematically adopted.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Overview of varietal improvement actions facing the challenges of today and tomorrow the role of the IFV

In April 2024, the French official catalog includes 449 grape varieties and rootstocks. In 10 years it has been enriched with 70 varieties. It is an indisputable marker of the interest of professionals in genetic resources of all origins and the expectations they have to prepare the viticulture of the future. The scientific community has now put all irons in the fire and is not neglecting any avenue of adaptation. The regular decline in the use of phytosanitary products and the already marked effects of climate change are the targets of varietal improvement.

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Pesticide-Free viticulture: towards agroecological wine-producing socio-ecosystems

Can we cultivate grapevine without pesticides? This is a huge challenge for this emblematic crop, which is one of the largest users of plant protection products. Pesticides are mainly used to protect the vine against leaf diseases (powdery mildew, mildew, black-rot), even in organic farming, which uses copper in particular. What are the research avenues that can help eliminate pesticides today?

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Orals - Viticulture, table grapes, dried grapes and unfermented grape products

Pierce’s disease of grapevines, a new threat to the wine industry in Southern Europe

Pierce's disease (PD) is considered a potential threat to european viticulture (EPPO a2 list of pathogens since 1981). In the usa, infections caused by the vector-borne bacterium xylella fastidiosa have caused recurrent damage to vineyards in California and the southeastern states. However, vineyards in Europe have remained free of PD until recently, when it was first detected on the island of Mallorca in 2017. The reasons for the absence of PD in continental Europe have not been convincingly explained.

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