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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Open-GPB 9 Category: Open-GPB-2024 ( Page 21 )

Proceedings of the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024

Discover the abstracts and posters presented during the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024 (Open-GPB2024), held in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, from July 7th to 11th, 2024. This conference is organised by the Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV).

OPEN GPB 2024 – View all

IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Abiotic interactions

Winter physiology in a warmer world: Cold hardiness and deacclimation sensitivity drive variation in spring phenology

As the climate warms, the focus of concern in viticulture often turns to how higher temperatures may shift growing regions, change the character of AVAs, and alter fruit quality. However, climate warming is increasing most quickly during the winter dormancy cycle, a critical and often underappreciated portion of the grapevine life cycle. In response to decreasing temperatures and decreasing daylength, grapes initiate a series of physiological changes to enter dormancy, acquire freeze resistance, and time spring phenology such that the growing season begins after threat of frost.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Table grapes, raisins and postharvest physiology

Withering of the ‘Moscato giallo’ grapes under covered space

For the purpose of producing predicate wines in northern part of Croatia, grapes are traditionally left on the vine unpicked. However, grapes on the vine are exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions that affect rapid rotting and attacked by birds. To eliminate the mentioned risks, the grapes can be picked and placed in a protected space (loft, greenhouse, etc.) suitable for drying. This study presents the results of research on withering grapes of the 'Moscato giallo' variety in two tretment: sun drying (under covered terrace) and drying in the shade (loft). The following quality parameters were monitored: mass of grapes, sugar concentration, content of total acids, pH, content of organic acids.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Xylem vessel blockages in grape pedicel growing in tropical climate observed by microtomography

In grape berry pedicel, xylem hydraulic conductance can be impaired by blockage deposition in the lumen of xylem elements. However, the varietal difference of the interruptions has not yet been characterized. In this preliminary work, we utilized synchrotron x-ray computed microtomography experiments performed at MOGNO beamline (LNLS – Brazil) to identify possible blockage sites in natural grape pedicel xylem. For this, we imaged dehydrated pedicel’s stem portion from the Niagara Rosada variety in three different phenological stages (Pre-veraison (PreV), veraison (V) and post-veraison (PostV). The reconstructed tridimensional images with a voxel size of 1.16 µm were segmented for the identification of xylem vessel lumens. After analysing one pedicel stem per stage, we identified 658 vessels without occlusion throughout his axial plane and 41 in which we could identify possible interruptions.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Fruit and wine yield and composition

Yield formation and grape composition: more than meets the eye 

Fruit quality in grapes is not well defined but is often depicted as correlating inversely with crop yield. Both fruit yield and composition, however, are made from distinct components that interact in complex ways. Reproductive growth of grapevines extends over two growing seasons. Inflorescences initiated in buds during the previous year differentiate flowers and set and develop berries during the harvest year.

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