IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Open-GPB 9 Open-GPB-2024 9 Category: Poster - Biotic interactions

Poster – Biotic interactions

IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

A DNA-free editing approach to help viticulture sustainability: dual editing of DMR6-1 and DMR6-2 enhances resistance to downy mildew 

The sustainability of viticulture hinges on maintaining quality and yield while reducing pesticide use. Promising strides in this direction involve the development of clones with enhanced disease tolerance, particularly through the knockout of plant susceptibility genes. Knocking out of Downy Mildew Resistant 6 (DMR6) led to increased levels of endogenous salicylic acid (SA), a regulator of immunity, resulting in enhanced tolerance to Downy Mildew (DM) and other diseases in various crops.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Challenges for the Implementation of commercial inoculum of arbuscular fungi in a commercial Callet vineyard (Vitis vinifera L.)

Over the past 70 years, scientific literature has consistently illustrated the advantageous effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) on plant growth and stress tolerance. Recent reviews not only reaffirm these findings but also underscore the pivotal role of AMF in ensuring the sustainability of viticulture. In fact, various companies actively promote commercial inoculants based on AMF as biofertilizers or biostimulants for sustainable viticulture. However, despite the touted benefits of these products, the consistent effectiveness of AMF inoculants in real-world field conditions remains uncertain.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Correlation between agronomic performance and resistance gene in PIWi varieties in the field

Today's viticulture faces a considerable challenge dealing with fungal diseases and limitations on the use of plant protection products (PPP) have increased the pressure to find more sustainable alternatives. One strategy may be the development and cultivation of disease-resistant grapevine varieties (PIWI) that could maintain crop productivity and quality while reducing dependence on PPP. In this work a set of 9 PIWI varieties (5 white and 4 red) deploying genes for resistance to powdery and downy mildew were evaluated in two consecutive years in Valdegón, La Rioja, with Tempranillo and Viura as controls. The objective was to correlate agronomic performance and disease incidence with the presence of disease resistance genes in two different seasons: with (2023) and without disease pressure (2022).

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Exploring diversity of grapevine responses to Flavescence dorée infection

Flavescence dorée, a serious threat to grapevine cultivation in several European Countries, is caused by phytoplasmas in the 16Sr-V ribosomal group, classified as quarantine organisms in the EU and transmitted mainly by the insect vector Scaphoideus titanus. The disease is controlled only by indirect and preventive measures, with important economic and environmental concerns. Genetic resources from the great variety of Vitis vinifera germplasm together with application of new genomic techniques could be applied to produce resistant/tolerant plants, once the genetic bases of susceptibility are elucidated. In a current Italian project (BIORES*) we are evaluating different international and local grapevine cvs. as well as microvine plants for their response to FD transmission and multiplication in controlled conditions.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Exploring the inner secrets of grapevine: a journey through plant-microbe interactions

Throughout centuries of anthropocentric breeding, plants have been selectively bred to enhance their quality traits and yield, often overlooking the importance of neglected attributes, like those involved in the interactions with beneficial microorganisms. This phenomenon led to an alteration in the distribution of photosynthetic products, shifting from defence mechanisms to growth, commonly described as 'domestication syndrome'. Addressing the losses stemming from this condition is imperative just as unravelling the concealed communication between grapevines and beneficial microorganisms.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Impact of mycorrhizal inoculation of ‘Monastrell’ grapevines grafted onto different conventional vs. newly breed rootstocks 

Grafting Vitis vinifera L. (wine traditional cultivars) onto North American grapevine species or hybrids is a common practice in viticulture given their tolerance against phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae). However, rootstock genetic background affects the response of grapevines to environmental stresses and their ability for establishing a symbiotic relationship with the microbial communities, and more specifically with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF).
The aim of this study was to evaluate Monastrell variety (clone ENTAV 369) grafted onto three rootstocks (140Ru, 110R and RG8) characterized by a different genetic background, in combination with AMF inoculation (Rhizophagus irregularis) vs. a non-inoculated control with regards to vegetative growth, leaf gas exchange parameters, and mycorrhization.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Improving shelf life of viticulture-relevant biocontrol and biostimulant microbes using CITROFOL® AI as liquid carrier

Bacillus velezensis and Trichoderma harzianum are relevant microorganisms used in viticulture as biocontrol agents against pathogens of trunk (e.g. Phaeoacremonium minimum), leaves (e.g. Plasmopara viticola) or fruit (e.g. Botrytis cinerea), or as biostimulants, improving the resilience of plants against biotic or abiotic stressors through different direct and non-direct interactions.
In this biotechnological approach, formulation plays a crucial role. Controlling water activity in the product, thus stabilising microbial viability is key to ensuring effective application. We present the benefits of the citrate ester CITROFOL® AI (triethyl citrate) as a novel bio-based carrier liquid in microbial formulations. CITROFOL® AI is safe for humans and the environment, thus offering a promising base for sustainable treatments in viticulture.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Investigating the role of endophytes in enhancing grapevine resilience to drought

Grapevine is a crop of great economic importance for several countries. The intensification of grapevine production has mostly been sustained by the increasing use of water resources at the expense of the environmental water balance. Moreover, in the last decades, climate change and the consequent expansion of drought have further compromised water availability, making current agricultural systems even more fragile both ecologically and economically. Recently, many research groups have highlighted the important role of endophytes in facilitating plant growth under optimal or stressful conditions. Within the framework of the PRIMA project, we aim to investigate the possible exploitation of the natural endophyte biodiversity as a sustainable tool to make grapevine plants more resilient to water deficit environmental conditions.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Optimizing disease management in the Rioja wine region: a study on Erisiphe necator and the Gubler-Thomas model

Erisiphe necator is endemic in the Rioja Appellation of Origin. Vine growers exert significant effort to protect their crops, given the economic losses this disease causes. Different studies have shown that using Gubler-Thomas Model (GTM) can reduce treatments by up to 20% compared to a full-time protection strategy. This reduction is achieved by optimizing applications based on temperature variations in late spring and summer when the disease’s conidial stage is active.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Physiological means to curb the enthusiasm of viruses from infecting grapevines  

The two most deadly viruses infecting and threatening the productivity of grapevines worldwide are leafroll and red blotch viruses. There is no cure for viral diseases other than roguing the symptomatic vines and replacing them with certified vines derived from clean, virus-tested stocks.
Given that phloem plays a central role in virus infection, this study aimed to purge the virus by girdling the phloem of leafroll-infected vines at different phenological stages of infected grapevines. Phloem-girdling was performed on canes at veraison to varying regions between the proximal and distal clusters.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Response to powdery and downy mildew of varieties with disease resistance genes (PIWI)

Erysiphe necator and Plasmopara viticola are the causal agents of powdery and downy mildew on grapevines, leading to significant economic losses. Numerous chemical treatments are applied to control these diseases, leading to environmental problems and the appearance of resistance to these products. Therefore, the study of new strategies to achieve the objectives of sustainable development is a priority. In this sense, the use of new varieties resistant to these diseases may be an option of interest. The objective of this work was to analyze the degree of resistance of 9 varieties with downy mildew resistance genes (Rpv3 and/or Rpv12), four of which also carry a powdery mildew resistance gene (Ren 1) by in vitro inoculation assays.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

REVINE project : regenerative agricultural approaches to improve ecosystem services in Mediterranean vineyards

REVINE is a 3 year European projected funded by PRIMA programme which proposes the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices with an innovative and original perspective, in order to improve the resilience of vineyards to climate change in the Mediterranean area.
Regenerative agriculture ameliorates soil structure and microbial biodiversity that, in turn, leads to crop resilience against biotic and abiotic stressful factors. Moreover, enrichment of beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, such as PGPR and PGPF, are known to trigger the plant immunity inducing the priming state.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Selection of beneficial endophytes from Sicilian grapevine germplasm 

The recent expansion of arid areas due to climate change is putting grapevine and the other traditional productions at risk in all Mediterranean countries with a limited availability of fundamental resources such as water. It is possible to improve the resilience of vineyards by developing sustainable agricultural practices based on biological and natural resources such as endophytic microorganisms that colonize inner plant tissues, and which can potentially increase the tolerance to abiotic stresses. A selection of grapevine endophytes was conducted from 2021 to 2023 as part of the PRIMA project PROSIT.

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