IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 WAC 9 WAC 2022 9 Category: 2 - WAC - Posters

2 – WAC – Posters

2 - WAC - PostersIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Acetaldehyde-induced condensation products in red wines affect the precipitation of salivary proteins. Will this impact astringency?

Acetaldehyde is a common component of wine. It is already formed during the fermentation being an intermediate in the production of ethanol. Moreover, it can derive from the oxidation of ethanol during the wine production and aging. In wine, concentrations of acetaldehyde range from 30 to 130 mg/L. Acetaldehyde in wine can react with many compounds such as SO2, amino acids and

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2 - WAC - PostersIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Impact of toasting on oak wood aroma: creation of an oak wood aroma wheel

The impact of toasting process to produce aroma from oak wood intrinsic composition is well documented. It is admitted that such complexity contribute to the wine quality after barrel ageing. Despite our knowledge on the molecular identification of aroma impact compounds of oak wood, little research have been carried out, on a sensory level, on the aroma diversity of toasted oak wood.

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2 - WAC - PostersIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Organoleptic and analytical impacts of the color of glass of the bottles on Chasselas wine

This study was performed on Chasselas wine to assess the impact of exposure to wine light according to several glass color of bottles. The aim was to highlight any differences whether from an organoleptic or analytical point of view depending on the color. For this, four different shades were compared, dead leaf, green, cinnamon and transparent. A control, not treated with light, was also included in the study...

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