The aim of this work was the identification and quantification of polyphenols present in natural precipitate of a Sauvignon wine. Phenol analysis in wine precipitate was based on acid hydrolysis, CG- MS after derivatization, and LC-MS.
Macrowine 2010
Protein stabilization of white wines by stabilizing filtration: pilot studies
Protein stabilization is an important part of the winemaking process of white wines, and in this work we present the results of protein stabilization of different monovarietal wines (Xarel.lo, Chardonnay, and Muscat) by a continuous stabilizing filtration process using a column packed with zirconium oxide operating in a continuous regime in a closed loop at pilot scale.
The use of zirconia dioxide enclosed in a metallic cage for the stabilisation of Chardonnay white wine
White wines are commonly stabilised by removing the heat unstable proteins through adsorption by bentonite, an effective but inefficient wine processing step. Alternative absorbents are thus sought and zirconium dioxide (zirconia) is recognised as a promising candidate.
Enological potential of autochtonous grape cultivars from Castilla y León (Spain) to elaborate sparkling wines: polyphenolic and biogenic amines and amino acid composition of base wines
In white wines, Verdejo wine stands out because of its high content in total amino acids. The total content in biogenic amines was low in all wines analyzed and putrescine was the predominant biogenic amine.
Polysaccharides and glycerol production by non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts in mixed fermentation
A great variability in the amount of polysaccharides recovered at the end of fermentations carried out by pure cultures of 89 non-Saccharomyces yeasts was observed. The utilization of the best polysaccharides producers in mixed cultures with S. cerevisiae resulted in considerable increases in the final concentration of polysaccharides and showed a strain dependent effect on glycerol production as compared to pure culture of S. cerevisiae.
Influence of dipping pretreatments in drying of ‘Pedro Ximenez’ grapes in chamber at controlled temperature
The influence of dipping pretreatments on drying of ‘Pedro Ximenez’ grapes, destined to the elaboration of sweet wines, in chamber at controlled temperature, has been studied. Changes in color and phenolic composition of raisins produced were observed during the process of raisining.
Chemical systems behind wine aroma perception: overview, genesis and evolution
This talk presents a revision of our knowledge and understanding of the role played by the different aroma chemicals in the positive aroma attributes of wine. A systematic approach to classifying the different aroma chemicals of wine is presented .
Uvalino wine: chemical and sensory profile
The evaluation of different chemical compounds present in Uvalino wines was correlated with sensory analysis. The analysis showed a high content of polyphenolic compounds responsible for the organoleptic properties of wine, including color, astringency and bitterness.
Different oxygen and sulphur dioxide concentrations in ‘Sauvignon blanc’ must: effect on the composition of the must and wine
The effects of different oxygen and sulphur dioxide additions to South African ‘Sauvignon blanc’ musts were investigated. Oxygen addition without SO2 protection led to lower levels of certain volatile thiols in the wines, with a corresponding decrease in certain phenols and glutathione concentrations.
Aroma profile of ‘Pedro Ximenez’ sweet musts obtained from dried grapes by different methods
Aroma fraction of musts from grapes ‘Pedro Ximenez’ traditionally sun-dried and chamber-dried at 40 ºC and at 50 ºC during 8, 5 and 4 days respectively, destined for the production of sweet wines in Montilla-Moriles region (southern Spain) was studied.
Spur-pruning cordon for ‘Barbera’ vines in Piedmont
The traditional pruning system in Piedmont (North-West Italy) is the Guyot system; it requires trained personnel, difficult to find, and it does not permit the mechanization of winter pruning, thus it is very expensive. An alternative technique that could allow the reduction of the vineyard management costs could be the spur-pruning which is simpler to perform and fully mechanized.
Immunotestπ: a new test for the determination of proteic stability in white and rosé wines
Proteic haze is a problem which may occur in all fruit-based beverages and fermented juices (beer, cider, wine). When it occurs, the economic loss is important.
Optimization of aroma production in grape cell suspensions induced by chemical elicitor
Methyl-jasmonate (MeJA) induces the production of at least 25 compounds with sesquiterpene- like mass spectra in ‘Cabernet sauvignon’. Tost effective concentration of MeJA in stimulating the production of sesquiterpenes was found to be 500 µM if added when the cell suspensions had a PCV of 35 %, and 1000 if added when the cell suspensions had a PCV of 70 %.
Postharvest elicitors and metabolic changes in wine grape berries
Wine grape berries respond to postharvest treatments with specific gaseous elicitors in terms of metabolic changes and composition. Short-term (3 days) high (30 KPa) CO2 treatment affects phenol compound concentration in skins of ‘Trebbiano toscano’ berries.
Effect of Botrytis cinerea and esca on phenolic composition of berries and wines
This study showed that Botrytis cinerea could degrade the phenolic compounds by its enzymatic activity. It led to a diminution of skin’s anthocyanins from 20 % to 50 % and an increase level up to 40 % of individual proanthocyanins, 30 % of the %G and 25% of the %P.
Evaluation of winegrape anthocyanins in the vineyard using a portable fluorimetric sensor: seasonal and water regime effects
Accumulation of anthocyanins (Anth) on whole winegrape (Vitis vinifera L.) bunches attached to the vine was monitored by a fluorescence-based sensor (Multiplex) on ‘Aleatico’ and ‘Nero d’Avola’. Different water regimes were applied.
Outside and inside grapevine roots: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a ‘nebbiolo’ vineyard
In field conditions, grapevine roots are colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Little is known about the species composition of AMF communities associated to grapevine.
Influence of different environments on grape phenolic and aromatic composition of threeclone of ‘nebbiolo’ (Vitis Vinifera L.)
The interaction between cultivar and growing environment is the base of wine quality and typicality. In recent time the behaviour of different clones within the same cultivar became another fundamental factor influencing the enological result. In order to clarify cultivar/clone/environment relations, a trial was carried out in 2008 studying the performances of three clones of ‘Nebbiolo’, grown in different environments: south-east Piedmont (hilly and characterized by a loamy and alkaline soil) and north-east Piedmont (a plain area characterized by a sandy and acidic soil).