Effect of Botrytis cinerea and esca on phenolic composition of berries and wines
This study showed that Botrytis cinerea could degrade the phenolic compounds by its enzymatic activity. It led to adiminution of skin’s anthocyanins from 20 % to 50 % and an increase level up to 40 % of individual proanthocyanins, 30 % of the %G and 25% of the %P. Indeed, only 5 % of botrytised grapes are enough to modify negatively the phenolic composition and the organoleptic properties of a wine. Furthermore, this work revealed that esca caused a delay in ripening and led to modifications on grapes: decrease ofthe level of reducing sugar (4 %), anthocyanins (40 %), mDP (5 %) and %P (17 %) and increase of individual proanthocyanins. The tasting allowed to bring to light significant differences on astringency and bitterness which decreased with the percentage of affected grapes.
Issue: Macrowine 2010
Type: Article
1 UMR 1219 Œnologie, Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin. Faculté d’Œnologie – ISVV, 210, chemin de Leysotte, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon Cedex, F.
2 UMR Santé Végétale 1065, ISVV – Centre INRA de Bordeaux, 71 av. Edouard Bourlaux, BP 81, 33882 Villenaved’Ornon Cedex, F.