Evolution of several biochemical compounds during the development of Merlot wine in the vinegrowing “Terroir” of Valea Călugăreasa
The qualitative and quantitative distribution of the phenolic compounds in red wines depends on cultivars features, on grapes maturation state, on grapes processing technology including must obtention, as well as on maceration-fermentation method (Margheri, 1981). The last two factors are responsible for the different phenolic composition of the wines produced from the same cultivar. Dealu Mare vineyard offers favourable conditions for a higher capitalization of Cabemet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, Merlot and Fetească neagră cultivars. The red wines having a middle or high content in phenolic compounds and a well-balanced phenolic composition are advisable for being developed in oak barrels (Sommers and Pocock, 1990).
The study which was undertaken at the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Valea Calugareasca, during 1987-1995 was pursuing both the evolution of phenolic composition and wines color, and the influence of the keeping container on the quality of Merlot wine.
Issue: Terroir 1996
Type : Poster
Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Valea Calugareasca,
2040, Prahova district, Romani