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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Assessment of the impact of actions in the vineyard and its surrounding environment on biodiversity in Rioja Alavesa (Spain)

Assessment of the impact of actions in the vineyard and its surrounding environment on biodiversity in Rioja Alavesa (Spain)


Traditional viticulture areas have experienced in the last decades an intensification of field practices, linked to an increased use of fertilisers and phytosanitary products, and to a more intensive mechanization and uniformization of the landscape. This change in management has sometimes led to higher rates of soil erosion andloss of soil structure, fertility decline, groundwater contamination, and to an increased pressure of pests and diseases. Additionally, intensification usually leads to a simplification of landscapes, of particular concern in prestigious wine grape regions where the economical revenue encourages the conversion of land use from natural habitats to high value wine grape production. To revert this trend, it is necessary that growers implement actions that promote biodiversity in their vineyards. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the implementation of cover crops, vegetational corridors, dry stone walls and vineyard biodiversity hotspots estimated through the study of arthropods. The work has been carried out in four vineyards in Rioja Alavesa belonging to Ostatu winery, where these infrastructures were implemented in 2020. The presence and diversity of arthropods was studied by capturing them at different times in the season and at different distances from the infrastructure using pit-fall traps in the soil and yellow, white and blue chromatic traps at the canopy level. This is a preliminary study in which all adult insects were sorted to the taxonomic level of order and Coleoptera were classified to morphospecies. The results obtained show that there is a relationship between the basic characteristics of the vineyard and the arthropods captured, with a positive effect, although also dependent on the vineyard, of the presence of infrastructure. 


Publication date: May 31, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Article


Bárbara Sebastián1, Luis G. Santesteban2, Ignacio Arzoz1, Maite Loidi2, Oihane Oneka2, Luis Rubén Román-Fernández3, Ainara Crespo-Susperregui3, Gonzalo Sainz de Samaniego4 and Julián Palacios1

 1Viticultura Viva, Olite, Navarra, Spain
2Departement of Agronomy, Biotecnhology and FoodScience, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
3Insectaria, Logroño, Spain
4Bodegas Ostatu, Samaniego, País Vasco, Spain

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agroecology, biodiversity, habitat management, landscape ecology, vineyard


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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