Special issue: OENO One – GiESCO 2023
Read freely the 10 articles published in our Open Access peer-reviewed research journal OENO One for the GiESCO 2023 (Ithaca, USA).
– Identifying the best parameters to determine genotype capability to retain adequate malic acid at harvest and in final wines. Tommaso Frioni, Riccardo Collivasone, Ginevra Canavera, Matteo Gatti, Mario Gabrielli, Stefano Poni
– Projected impacts of climate change on viticulture over French wine regions using downscaled CMIP6 multi-model data. Sebastien Zito, Julien Pergaud, Yves Richard, Thierry Castel, Renan Le Roux, Iñaki García de Cortázar-Atauri, Hervé Quenol, Benjamin Bois
– Short and long-term acclimation to water status at leaf and plant level of fungus-tolerant genotypes. Luciana Wilhelm de Almeida, Anne Pellegrino, Bénédicte Fontez, Laurent Torregrosa, Hernán Ojeda
– Relationships between leaf temperature, stomatal conductance and architecture: potential impact on leaf burning among a range of genotypes in grapevine. Mathilde Millan, Thierry Simonneau, Aude Coupe-Ledru, Romain Boulord, Angélique Christophe, Benoît Pallas
– Vineyard floor management intensity impacts soil health indicators and plant diversity across South Australian viticultural landscapes. Merek M. Kesser, Timothy R. Cavagnaro, Roberta De Bei, Cassandra Collins
– Delaying grapevine budbreak to prevent spring freeze damage impacts Lemberger wine flavour compounds under variable weather conditions. Meredith J. Persico, Donald E. Smith, Maria S. Smith, Helene Hopfer, Michela Centinari
– Epigenetics: an innovative lever for grapevine breeding in times of climatic changes. Margot M. J Berger, Linda Stammitti, Natalia Carrillo, Erna Blancquaert, Bernadette Rubio, Emeline Teyssier, Philippe Gallusci
– Mechanisation of pre-flowering leaf removal under the temperate climate conditions of Switzerland. Thibaut Verdenal, Vivian Zufferey, Ágnes Dienes-Nagy, Gilles Bourdin, Jean-Laurent Spring
– The role of rootstocks for grape growing adaptation to climate change. Meta-analysis of the research conducted in Spanish viticulture. Luis Gonzaga Santesteban, Isabel Rekarte, Nazareth Torres, Mónica Galar, Ana Villa-Llop, Fernando Visconti, Diego S. Intrigliolo, José M. Escalona, Felicidad De Herralde, Carlos Miranda
– An operational model for capturing grape ripening dynamics to support harvest decisions. Cornelis van Leeuwen, Agnès Destrac-Irvine, Mark Gowdy, Laura Farris, Philippe Pieri, Laura Marolleau, Gregory A. Gambetta