Use of UHPH to improve the implantation of non-Saccharomyces yeasts
Ultra High-Pressure Homogenization (UHPH) is a high-pressure pumping at 300 MPa (>200 MPa) with a subsequent depressurization against a highly resistant valve made of tungsten carbide covered by ceramic materials or carbon nanoparticles. The intense impact and shear efforts produce the nano-fragmentation of colloidal biopolymers including the elimination of microorganism (pasteurization or sterilization depending on in-valve temperature) and the inactivation of enzymes. This technology is extremely gentle with molecules with sensory impact remaining unaffected compounds as terpenes, thiols, and anthocyanins, and protected of ulterior oxidations by the inactivation of oxidative enzymes (PPOs). The use of UHPH in must before fermentation is a powerful technology to eliminate wild microorganism and to facilitate the implantation of non-Saccharomyces inoculated as starters. In this work we show the efficient implantation of several weak-fermenter non-Saccharomyces and the effect on the release of volatile thiols.
Acknowledgements: This research was funded by MICIN, project PID2021-124250OB-I00.
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Issue: ICGWS 2023
Type: Article
1enotecUPM, Dept. Chemistry and Food Technology, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 208040; Madrid, Spain
2YPSICON ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES S.L, Via Trajana 50-56 Nave 21, 08020, Barcelona, Spain
3enotecUPM, Dept. Biotechnology, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 208040; Madrid, Spain
Contact the author*
UHPH, Implantation, non-Saccharomyces, Lachancea thermotolerans, terpenes, thiols