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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences 9 2ICGWS-2023 9 A novel approach for the identification of new biomarkers of wine consumption in human urine using untargeted metabolomics

A novel approach for the identification of new biomarkers of wine consumption in human urine using untargeted metabolomics


Wine is one of the most representative components of Mediterranean diet. Moderate wine intake together with food, has been positively correlated with reduced risk of many chronic diseases. This beneficial effect seems to be ascribed to elevated polyphenolic content of wine [1]. Traditional approaches for the identification of wine biomarkers consumption include targeted metabolomics that focuses on the quantification of well-defined metabolites, losing a valuable information about a massive number of compounds. On the other hand, untargeted metabolomics can disclose a large quantity of signals corresponding to potential biomarkers in a single analysis with high sensitivity and resolution. This work focuses on the identification of wine intake biomarkers in 24-h urine samples of free-living volunteers using untargeted metabolomics approach. Two groups were included: (i) volunteers with daily and moderate wine consumption, and (ii) control group, volunteers who never drink wine. Urine samples (24-h) were analysed by liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC-QToF), using two stationary phases (RP and HILIC) to separate metabolites of different polarities, moreover all the analyses were done in both positive and negative ionization modes. The most significant compounds highlighted after performing an OPLS-DA were tentatively identified based on their accurate masses and spectra information. Different metabolites associated with wine intake have been tentatively proposed, such as aminoacids and peptides, and different phenol metabolites.

Acknowledgements: MCIN / AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR through the project PID2019-108851RB-C22. M.J-S. thanks University of La Rioja for her PostDoc grant financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU.


  1. Hrelia S. et al. (2023) Moderate Wine Consumption and Health: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 15: 175-200, DOI 10.3390/nu15010175.


Publication date: October 5, 2023

Issue: ICGWS 2023

Type: Article


Jiménez-Salcedo M.1,2*, Manzano JI.1, Pérez-Matute, P.3, Motilva MJ. 1

1 Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y el Vino-ICVV (CSIC, UR, GR) 26007 Logroño (España)
2 Universidad de La Rioja, 26006 Logroño (España)
3 Infectious Diseases, Microbiota and Metabolism Unit, Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja (CIBIR), CSIC Associated Unit. 26006 Logroño (España)

Contact the author*


untargeted metabolomics, wine, biomarker, polyphenols


2ICGWS | ICGWS | ICGWS 2023 | IVES Conference Series


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