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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences 9 2ICGWS-2023 9 The interplay between water deficit and nitrogen and potassium nutrition in Vitis vinifera L.

The interplay between water deficit and nitrogen and potassium nutrition in Vitis vinifera L.


Climate change is expected to provoke an increase in the frequency and intensity of drought events and water scarcity that will have detrimental effects on photosynthesis and plant yield. To sustain an appropriate plant yield under sub-optimal conditions, a common practice is the application of high amounts of fertilizers with negative environmental consequences. The present study aims at evaluating the interplay between water and nutrient availability, namely nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), in two grapevine cultivars with a different sensitivity to water shortage stress. Two-year-old Vitis Vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache grapevine plants grafted on SO4 rootstock have been transferred in pots under semi-environmental conditions. During two consecutive growing seasons, plants will be either maintained well-watered (100% ETc) or subjected to a controlled water deficit irrigation (33% ETc). Moreover, different N:K fertilization doses will be applied: 100%N:100%K, 100%N:30%K, 30%N:100%K and 30%N:30%K. Several morphological and physiological parameters will be measured, such as plant growth rate, water potential, photosynthetic rate, and stomatal conductance. In addition, multi-element analysis at the canopy level will be implemented by collecting leaves at flowering, veraison, and maturity stage. Results deriving from the experiment will provide an integrated characterization of the differential response to the single and combined deficits of the two cultivars selected. These results will be useful to find new strategies to increase the sustainability of grapevine cultivation under stressful environmental conditions by optimizing both water use and nutrient acquisition efficiency.


Publication date: October 11, 2023

Issue: ICGWS 2023

Type: Poster


Gabriella Vinci1*, Alberto Calderan1,2, Giovanni Anedda1, Matteo Bortolussi1, Marianna Fasoli3, Paolo Sivilotti1, Laura Zanin1

1 Department of Food, Environmental, and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, 33100 Udine, Italy
2 Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, 34127 Trieste, Italy
3 Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, 37134 Verona, Italy

Contact the author*


viticulture, grapevine, water deficit, nutrient deficiency


2ICGWS | ICGWS | ICGWS 2023 | IVES Conference Series


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