Towards the understanding of wine distillation in the production of brandy de Jerez. Chemical and sensory characterization of two distillation methods: continuous and batch distillation
Brandy de Jerez (BJ) is a spirit drink made exclusively from spirits and wine distillates and is characterized by the use of casks for aging that previously contained Sherries. The quality and sensory complexity of BJ depend on the raw materials and some factors: grape variety, conditions during processing the wine and its distillation, as well as the aging in the cask. Therefore, the original compounds of the grapes from which it comes are of great interest being in most cases the Airén variety. Their relationship with the quality of the musts and the wines obtained from them has been studied (1) and varies each year of harvest depending on the weather conditions (2). It is also influenced by specific viticultural techniques and ripeness. The organoleptic profile and physicochemical characteristics of wine distillates depend on the wine used to produce them, as the distilled product retains a flavor and aroma characteristic of the raw material used. During vintage 2023 best quality grapes of Palomino Fino will be selected to elaborate a white wine under controlled conditions. Once the alcoholic fermentation will be finished, two samples of this wine shall be taken for continuous distillation and batch distillation. The main goal in the present work is to evaluate and quantify the differences between both distillation methods. The classic oenological parameters, polyphenol, organic acid profiles and volatile compounds are determined.
Barba, P.; González, M.A.; Pueyo, E.; Martín, P.J.; Cabezudo, M.D. (1992). Concordancia de las características químicas y sensoriales de los mostos Airén con el perfil sensorial de las uvas. XX Congreso Mundial de la Viña y el Vino y 72ª Asamblea General de la O.I.V. Madrid.
Lee, J.E.; Hwang, G.S.; Van Den Berg, F.; Lee, C.H.; Hong, Y.S. (2009). Anal. Chim. Acta, 648 (1), 71-76
Issue: ICGWS 2023
Type: Poster
Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo de Bodegas Fundador S.L.U., C/San Ildefonso, n 3, 11403 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain.