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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 GiESCO 9 «Promitheus» the new greek red wine grape arromatic variety

«Promitheus» the new greek red wine grape arromatic variety


Context and purpose of the study – This paper presents is the create, the study and amplographic description the newGreek aromatic variety of red wine grapes “Promitheus”, created in 2012 by Researcher P. Zamanidis at the Athens Vine Department of the Institute of Olive, Subtropical Plants and Vine.

Material and methods – The variety created by crossing with the method of hybridization was used as the female parent the native newly Greek variety “Porfyro” with the male parent the variety “Cabernet-sauvignon”.  

Results – The “Promitheus” is a red aromatic wine variety. The duration of the variety from budburst to maturity is 146-155 days.  The variety is very strong with large shoots growth (2.1 – 3.0 m). The growth of shoots is higherover 95%. The flowers are morphologically and physiologically hermaphrodite. The yield is very high (15-20 t of grapes /ha). The size of the cluster is medium with a length of 15 cm and a width of 14 cm, the shape is conical, loose density. The length of the peduncle of the grape is 3,5 cm and the length of the peduncle of the berry is 0.5 cm. The average weight of the grape is 180 gr. The size of the berry is small, oval in shape, , the length of 1,5mm and width 1,4mm with an average weight of 2,2g and a blue-black color. The numbers of seed are 3-4 per berry. The skin is  thick with highresistance. The flesh is hard and the juice has a particular flavor of the variety, green paper. The content of sugars is higher than 230 g / l. It has high resistance to drought and fungal diseases compared to most Vitis vinifera grapes wine varieties. The “Promitheus” variety, due to its morphological and physiological characteristics, is classified in the group of convarietas pontica Negr. And is intended for the production of dry red wines, but also for sparkling wines, aromatic juices and tsipouro or raki. 


Publication date: June 18, 2020

Issue: GiESCO 2019

Type: Poster


P. Zamanidis1, Ch. Paschalidis2, L. Papakonstantinou3, D. Taskos1, A. Karazoglou1 and Merkouropoulos1 G.

(1) Department of Viticulture of Athens. Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Cropsand Viticulture,.Hellenic. Agricultural Organization-DEMETER 1 S. Venizelou Str., 14123, Lykovrisi, Attiki, Greece.
(2) Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, School of Agricultural Technology, 24100 Antimalamos, Kalamata
(3) Agricultural University of Athens, 75 IeraOdos str., 11855, Botanikos, Attica.

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hybridization, variety, shoots, leaves, inflorescence, cluster, berry


GiESCO | GiESCO 2019 | IVES Conference Series


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