VitExpress, an open interactive transcriptomic platform for grapevine
We developed VitExpress, an open interactive transcriptomic platform for grapevine, using our newly assembled and annotated Chasselas genome as a reference. This platform provides a genome browser and integrated web tools for expression profiling, and a set of statistical tools (StatTools) for the identification of highly correlated genes. The implementation of the correlation finder tool for MybA1, a major regulator of the anthocyanin pathway, identified candidate genes associated with anthocyanin metabolism, whose expression patterns were experimentally validated as discriminating between black and white grapes. These resources and innovative tools for mining genome-related data are anticipated to foster advances in several areas of grapevine research.
Issue: Open GPB 2024
Type: Poster
1Laboratoire de Recherche en Sciences Végétales–Génomique et Biotechnologie des Fruits-UMR5546, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, Institut Polytechnique de Toulouse, Auzeville Tolosan 31326, France
2Fondation Jean Poupelain, Cognac, Javrezac 16100, France
3Conservatoire du vignoble charentais, Institut de Formation de Richemont, Cherves-Richemont 16370, France
4Key Laboratory of Bio-Resource and Eco-Environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China