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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 SSR analysis of some Vitis sylvestris (GMEL.) accessions of the Szigetköz and Fertő-hanság national park, Hungary

SSR analysis of some Vitis sylvestris (GMEL.) accessions of the Szigetköz and Fertő-hanság national park, Hungary


The evolution of cultivated plants played important role in the ascent of humanity. Research of their origin and evolution started at the beginning of the20th century, but till nowadays a lot of questions remain open. A large number of theories exist about the evolution of the European grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). The Vitis sylvestris GMEL. in Hungary is a protected species. The quest and reservation of its populations are significant in terms of nature conservation and reserve of biodiversity as well. Based on theoretical and practical researches, it is supposed, that this species itself, or crossing with other species could be the progenitor of the European grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). 

In this study the quest and the SSR analysis of the Vitis sylvestris GMEL. populations of the Szigetköz and Fertő-Hanság National Park of Hungary are intended. 20 different genotypes of woodland grape (Vitis sylvestris GMEL.), 10 cultivars of European grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and 10 species/genotypes of rootstocks were analysed in 16 SSR loci of different linking groups. 

The results show, that the analysed Vitis sylvestris accessions form an distinct group, but are closer to the Vitis vinifera cultivars, than to the rootstocks. This raise the probability, that these woodland grapes are true-to-type Vitis sylvestris.


Publication date: August 18, 2020

Issue: Terroir 2014

Type: Article


G. JAHNKE (1), Z. NAGY (1), G. KOLTAI (2), J. MÁJER (1)

(1) National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Badacsonytomaj, Hungary 
(2) University of West Hungary Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary 


Vitis sylvestris (GMEL.), biodiversity, progenitor, SSR analysis, woodland grape, European grape, genotypes, true-to-type


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2014


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