Impact of reduction alcohol techiniques in the aromatic chemical profile of rosé Tempranillo wines


AIM: Studying the impact of reducing alcohol techniques in the chemical composition of the aromatic profile of rosé Tempranillo wines from the spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha


In the last decades there has been an increseasing demand of wines with low or non-existing alcohol concentration due to the negative effects that alcohol has in health. In spite of that, there are not laws that protect these products, and there is also a great difficulty in the elaboration of these type of wines due to the increasing temperatures because of climate change. This is why the oenological industry has made great advances in the development of different techniques that could satisfy consumers’ demands without modifying wine quality. The most used techniques have been post-fermentative ones.

METHODS: Wines were elaborated following the traditional red-wine winemaking process, and they were divided in three sets: one control, and two destined to the elaboration of low alcohol and dealcoholised wine. For dealcoholised wine, it was used a spinning cone column technique. Traditional analysis were done following the OIV method proposed in 2014. Volatile components were analysed by GC-EM with a previous exraction in solid phase (SPE) (Sánchez-Palomo et al., 2006). Volatile compounds were grouped in aromatic series and the total intensity of each aromatic series was calculated by the sumatory of the OAVs of the compounds asigned to each series.

RESULTS: The results of this study show how the total concentration of volatile compounds is affected by the partial or total alcohol reduction. Esters and alcohols have been the most affected fermentation components, and C6 compounds have been the most affected varietal components, followed by benzenic compounds. The principal aromatic series that describe wine aroma have been fruity, fatty and sweet. The application of the dealcoholization technique modify quantitatively but not qualitatively the intensity of aromatic series.


This investigation study brings to light that partial or total dealcoholization process using spinning cone columns allows the obtaining of wines with an aromatic profile associated to the grape variety used in the wine-making process, but with a light descent of fruity and green notes in the total aroma. These wines mean an alternative to the traditional wine-making process that can satisfy consumers’ demand and can compete in national and international markets with dealcoholised and low alcohol products.


Publication date: September 16, 2021

Issue: Macrowine 2021

Type: Article


María Osorio Alises, Eva Sánchez-Palomo Lorenzo, Juan Antonio Delgado, Manuel Ángel Ferrer, Miguel Ángel González. 

Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha,

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dealcoholisation, wine-making process, aroma, spinning cone column, low alcohol


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