IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 GiESCO 9 GiESCO 2019 9 Category: Poster - Soil and zoning

Poster – Soil and zoning

GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Advancement of grape maturity – comparison between contrasting varieties and regions

Grapevine phenology has advanced across many regions, nationally and internationally, in recent decades under the influence of increasing temperatures, resulting in earlier
vintages (Jones and Davis, 2000, Petrie and Sadras, 2008, Tomasi et al., 2011, Webb et al., 2011. Earlier vintages have several ramifications for the wine industry. There are direct implications on quality, due to the fruit ripening during the hotter conditions of summer and early autumn, which then impacts grape composition and wine style (Sadras et al., 2013, Buttrose et al., 1971, Mira de Ordũna, 2010). There are also indirect implications where the fruit is perceived to ripen at a faster rate and the crop reach optimum maturity over a shorter period (Coulter et al., 2016).

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Effect of climate and soil on phenology and ripening of Vitis vinifera cv Touriga acional in the Dão region

“Terroir” has been acknowledged as an important factor in wine quality
and style. It can be defined as an interaction between climate, soil, vine (cultivar, rootstock) and human
factors such as viticultural and enological techniques. Soil and climate are the two components of the “Terroir” with an important role on the vine development and berries ripening. The present study is focused on the effects of the weather conditions and the soil characteristics on the phenological and berries ripening dynamics of the “Touriga Nacional” in Dão region.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Importance of the Terror Variability Map (TVM) in Precision viticulture (PV): choice of methodology for soil classification

The Precision Viticulture (PV) is defined “as a management system that is information and technology based, is site specific and uses one or more of the following sources of data: soils, vigour, nutrients, pests, moisture, and yield among others, for optimum profitability, sustainability, and protection of the environment” (OIV, 2018, in process). The elements mentioned in the definition are an important part of the terroir components. The terroir is a tool In Viticulture, it is the analysis and study unit, and the variability of a certain situation can be due to any difference in every element or property of each factor that constitutes it, including the management.The soil and its management are those that bring the most variability to terroir.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Influence of viticulture on the temporary evolution of the landscape: the case of the AO Ribera del Duero (Central Spain)

The European Landscape Convention (ELC, 2001) defined the landscape as the "part of a
territory as perceived by the population and resulting from the action of natural and/or human factors and their interrelationships". Wine landscapes, protected or not under figures such as cultural landscapes or Cultural heritage, are a clear demonstration of this definition, denoting the interrelationships of the natural
environment and the action of the human, which modulates the territory to give the different wine
landscapes. This work was focused on the study of the effect of the human factors linked to the cultivation of the vine on the modification of the landscape.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Investigation on Valbelluna area and its oenological potentiality: case study on Prosecco DOC

Valbelluna valley is an area located in the northeastern Italy. It is extended from the East-West between Feltre and Belluno, along the Piave waterway and enclosed between Cansiglio valley on the South and the Dolomites in the North. Here, the villages of Limana and Trichiana are present, which are considered for decades potentially interesting areas to aim a niche production with own particular properties.The position of this area, its sun exposition, its soil composition and the microclimate, are ideal factors to obtain vines and consequently wines with unique features especially regarding the diversity and complexity aroma.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Soil and nutritional survey of Greek vineyards from the prefecture of Macedonia, Northern Greece, and from the island of Santorini

Vitis vinifera L. is one of the most important cultures for the soil and
climate conditions of Northern Greece and Santorini. However, very little information is provided with regard to its nutritional requirements and critical levels of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities. The aim of this study was to provide an integrated nutritional survey for the Greek conditions of wine and table varieties.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Soil preparation practices to eliminate soil restrictions to grapevine root distribution for the establishment of sustainable vineyards

Grapevine yield and wine quality are dependent on good quality vegetative growth and root development. Soils that restrict proper grapevine root development, together with the high cost of establishing a new vineyard, require effective soil preparation to sustain productive vineyards for 25 years. This study reviews soil preparation research conducted over the past 50 years and identifies best practices to remove soil physical and chemical impediments to create optimum conditions for root growth.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

The suitability for viticulture at varying altitudes: a study of grapevine ripening in the Italian Alps

Planting vineyards in cooler climates has been used over recent years as
a strategy to counter the climatic shifts caused by climate change. A move towards higher altitudes in hilly and mountainous wine regions may provide a solution to deleterious effects that increased ambient temperatures have on wine quality. Until now, the influences of higher altitudes and their climates, as well as their effect on vine growing cycles, still holds a lot of scientific uncertainty. The transnational EU-funded project REBECKA (Interreg V-A IT-AT: ITAT1002, duration: 2017-2019) has the objective to develop a regional valuation method to rate the suitability for viticulture in South Tyrol (Italy) and Carinthia (Austria). Preliminary surveys were performed regarding the effects of altitude on ripening performance of the cultivar Pinot Noir.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Viticultural potential assessment and its spatial delineation analysis in Goriška Brda viticultural area

Viticultural potential has a complex conditioning, determined by relief,
soil, climate and lithology. Delineation of viticultural potential from vineyard areas is essential for the purpose to collect the necessary data for viticultural zoning. Using this data, we can achieve greater yield quality, which is the most important criteria in viticulture. The main purpose of this research is
characterizing of viticultural potential and zoning of homogeneous viticultural zones in Goriška Brda region by assessing the suitability of defined ecological factors.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2019IVES Conference SeriesPoster - Soil and zoning

Volatile organic compounds investigation in Müller Thurgau wines obtained from vineyard treated with biochar

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are responsible for the flavor and aroma of a wine. The sensory qualities of the wines depend not only on grape intrinsic characteristics, but also on extrinsic factors including the soil composition. Previous studies have shown that the application of pyrogenic carbon (biochar) can lead to a change in soil parameters. For that reason, one of the goals of the ERDF funded project «WoodUp» is the characterization and reutilization of the locally produced biochar for agricultural purposes.

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