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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 GiESCO 9 GiESCO 2023 9 Category: Session 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Session 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Oral presentations

GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSession 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Designing and managing a sustainable vineyard in a climate change scenario

Extension of the growing season, compression of the annual growth cycle and higher frequency and severity of weather extreme events are consistent features of global warming. While mitigation of factors causing global warming is necessary in the medium-long term, wine growers need “ready to go” adaptation practices to counteract negative effects bound to climate change. This must be done in a sustainably way, meaning that remunerative yield, desired grape quality, low production cost and environment friendly solutions must be effectively merged. In this work, we will review contribution given over the last two decades prioritizing issues related to scion and rootstock choice, changes in vineyard floor management, new perception related to the use of irrigation in vineyards, adaptation practices aimed at decompress maturity, solutions to counteract or minimize damages due to late frost and sunburn and, lastly, some hints on how precision viticulture can help with all of this.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSession 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species preferentially associated with grapevine roots inoculated with commercial bioinoculants 

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiotic associations with plant roots and can help plants acquire nutrients from the soil in exchange for photosynthetic carbon. Commercial bioinoculants containing AMF are widely available and represent a potential opportunity to reduce the dependence of grapevines on agrochemicals. However, which commercially available AMF species colonize vine roots and affect vine growth remains unknown. The aim of this study was to identify the AMF species from commercial bioinoculants that colonize grapevine roots using high-throughput sequencing, and to evaluate the performance of five commercial bioinoculants and their effects on own-rooted Cabernet sauvignon.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSession 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Managing soil health in vineyards: knowns and unknowns 

The use of soil conservation practices in wine grape production is becoming common throughout the world in response to an increased awareness of the value of soil health to maintain crop productivity and environmental quality. However, little information is available on the meaning of soil health within a viticultural context, and what soil properties should be targeted to achieve both the agronomic and environmental goals of wine grape producers. Conservation practices lead to increases in soil organic matter which may improve soil water retention, and increase soil C content therefore constituting a potential avenue to adapt to droughts and sequester C. Well-known management practices such as the use of cover crops, compost or no-till, although effective, seem to result in highly variable outcomes in soil organic matter and other soil health indicators. This variability is likely associated to the application of the practices in different soils and climates. Thus, integration of soil health building practices needs a thorough understanding of their efficacy under different conditions. Furthermore, additions of soil organic matter could trigger emissions of CO2 and N2O, a potent greenhouse gas that could represent a potential tradeoff of soil conservation practices. Finally, nutrient and water availability may be affected by the increase in soil organic matter having consequences for vine balance and grape quality.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSession 9: Vine and soil management innovations

Vineyard floor management intensity impacts soil health indicators and biodiversity across South Australian viticultural landscapes

Vineyard floors in warm, dry landscapes including those in South Australia, have traditionally been managed using intensive practices such as tillage and herbicides to control weeds and vegetation, thereby limiting competition with grapevines for water and nutrients in order to not compromise yields.

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