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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Protected Designation of Origin (D.P.O.) Valdepeñas: classification and map of soils

Protected Designation of Origin (D.P.O.) Valdepeñas: classification and map of soils


The objective of the work described here is the elaboration of a map of the different types of vineyard soils that to guide the famers in the choice of the most productive vine rootstocks and varieties. 90 vineyard soils profiles were analysed in the entire territory of the Origen Denominations of Valdepeñas. The sampling was carried out in 2018 (June to October) by making a sampling grid, followed by photointerpretation and control in the field. The studied soils can be grouped into 9 different soil types (according to FAO 2006 classification): Leptosols, Regosols, Fluvisols, Gleysols, Cambisols, Calcisols, Luvisols and Anthrosols. A map showing the soil distribution with different type of soils has been made with the ArcGIS program. Regarding to the choice of rootstock, Calcisoles are soils with a high active limestone content, so the rootstocks used in these soils must be resistant to this parameter; Luvisols are deep soils with high clay content, so they will support vigorous rootstocks. Because the cartographic units are composed of two or more subgroups, with are associated in variable proportions, 9 different soil associations have been established; Unit 1: Leptosols, Cambisols and Luvisols (80%, 15% and 5% respectively); Unit 2: Cambisols with Regosols and Luvisols (40%, 30% and 30% respectively); Unit 3: Cambisols and Gleysols with Regosols (40%, 40% and 20% respectively); Unit 4: Regosols with Cambisols, Leptosols and Calcisols (40%, 30%, 15% and 15% respectively); Unit 5: Cambisols, Leptosols, Calcisols and Regosols (25%  each of them); Unit 6: Luvisols with Cambisol and Calcisols (80%, 10% and 10% respectively); Unit 7: Luvisols and Calcisols with Cambisols (40%, 40% and 20% respectively); Unit 8: Calcisols with, Cambisols and Luvisols (80%, 10% and 10% respectively); Unit 9: Anthrosols. These study allow to elaborate the first map of vineyard soils of this Protected Designation of Origin in Castilla-La Mancha.


Publication date: May 5, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Poster


Francisco Jesús García-Navarro1, José Ángel Amorós1, Caridad Pérez-de-los-Reyes1, Jesús García-Pradas1, Raimundo Jímenez-Ballesta2 and Sandra Bravo1


 1University of Castilla-La Mancha, H.T.S. Agricultural Engineers of Ciudad Real, Ronda de Calatrava, Ciudad Real,  Spain
2University Autónoma of Madrid, Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Madrid. Spain

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soil mapping, classification, calcisols, luvisols


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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