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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 WAC 9 WAC 2022 9 3 - WAC - Oral 9 Changes in white wine composition after treatment with cationic exchange resin: impact on wine oxidation after 8 years of bottle storage

Changes in white wine composition after treatment with cationic exchange resin: impact on wine oxidation after 8 years of bottle storage


Samples from 3 wine types were treated with a cationic exchange resin (7 lots) and stored for 8 years (47 samples). Forty-seven parameters were determined, including (1) important substrates with impact in white wine oxidation and (2) markers of oxidation. From group 1, sugars, elements, phenolic compounds, α-dicarbonyls and SO2 and from group 2, browning (A420), acetaldehyde, alkanals, furanic compounds were quantified.

Results regarding the cationic exchange resin impact after storage shown that is dependent on wine composition. Good correlations with browning were obtained for wines with higher concentration of phenolic compounds (flavan-3-ols, protocatechuic and coumaric acids) and copper. While aromatic degradation related with the formation of Strecker aldehydes was positive correlated with methyl glyoxal and negatively correlated with iron and glucose concentrations. 

PLS-DA was performed against three classes established based on phenylacetaldehyde formation, and results confirm that methylglyoxal is a substrate for phenylalanine Strecker degradation and the presence of glucose can reduce the formation of the aldehyde after long periods of storage.


Publication date: June 14, 2022

Issue: WAC 2022

Type: Article


António César da Silva Ferreira, Ana Rita, Monforte

Presenting author

António César da Silva Ferreira – Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina; IWBT – DVO University of Stellenbosch

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina

Contact the author


white wine, oxidation, ageing, target, methylglyoxal, Strecker


IVES Conference Series | WAC 2022


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