Effect of drought on grapevine wood fungal pathogen communities using a metatranscriptomics approach
Crops are facing increasing biotic and abiotic stress pressures due to global changes. However, trade-off mechanisms between these stresses and the underlying physiological processes are still poorly understood, especially in perennial crop species. To better understand these trade-offs, we studied the effect of drought on grapevine (Vitis vinifera) physiology and esca-related wood fungal communities. Esca is a vascular disease caused by a community of wood-infecting pathogenic fungi, and characterized by trunk necrosis, leaf scorch symptoms, yield losses, and mortality. This grapevine disease lead to xylem hydraulic failure and leaf symptoms are inhibited by severe drought. To characterize the molecular processes underlying the interactions between drought and esca, we conducted two experiments on 30-year-old Sauvignon blanc vines, expressing or not esca leaf symptoms, and subjected or not to drought stress under controlled conditions. Sapwood samples from the trunks were used to perform community-level transcriptomics analyses. Results will be also analyzed in the light of others metabolomics and ecophysiological data acquired on wood and leaf samples. Such an integrative approach will provide new insights into the understanding of grapevine/esca pathosystem under drought conditions, in terms of physiological and functional responses in either host and pathogens.
Acknowledgements: The authors thanks Université de Bordeaux for funding the GPR (Great Research Project) Bordeaux Plant Science.
Issue: ICGWS 2023
Type: Poster
1 INRAE Bordeaux Nouvelle Aquitaine, UMR 1065 SAVE, 71 avenue Edouard Bourlaux – CS 20032, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon cedex
2 INRAE Bordeaux Nouvelle Aquitaine, UR 1264 MycSA, 71 avenue Edouard Bourlaux – CS 20032, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon cedex
3 Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95618, USA
4 INRAE Bordeaux Nouvelle Aquitaine, UMR 1287 EGFV, 71 avenue Edouard Bourlaux – CS 20032, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon cedex
Contact the author*
Vitis vinifera Sauvignon Blanc, esca disease, drought, metatranscriptomics, physiology