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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences 9 2ICGWS-2023 9 Phenolic composition and chromatic characteristics of blends of cv. Tempranillo wines from vines grown with different viticultural techniques in a semi-arid area

Phenolic composition and chromatic characteristics of blends of cv. Tempranillo wines from vines grown with different viticultural techniques in a semi-arid area


The quality and color stability of red wines are directly related to content and distribution of phenolic compounds. However, the climate change produces the asynchrony between the dates of technological and maturity of grapes. The crop-forcing technique (CF) restores the coupling between phenolic and technological ripeness while limits vineyard yields. Blending of wines is frequently used to equilibriate composition of wines and to increase their stability, color and quality. The aim of the present work is to study the phenolic composition and color of wine blends made with FW (wines from vines subjected to CF) and CW (wines for vines under the usual cultivation practices). The trial was carried out in an experimental vineyard of the Tempranillo variety, located in a semi-arid area (Badajoz, Spain). CW and FW were elaborated according to the traditional methods for red wine. Then, 25FW, 50FW and 75FW wines were prepared by blending 25,50 and 75% FW and CW respectively and analyzed after the stabilization stage. Total Polyphenolic content, anthocyanins, catechins, the contribution to color due to copigmented anthocyanins and chromatic parameters were analyzed by spectrophotometric methods. The results obtained were subjected to ANOVA and PCA analyses. The sequence FW > 75FW> 50FW> 25FW> CW was observed for all the parameters evaluated and significant differences were found for most of them in 50FW, 75FW and FW with respect to CW. The PCA showed a good separation between CW and 25FW and the rest of the blending wines. Blending improved the phenolic and chromatic characteristics of CW by using the appropriate proportions of CW and FW. In addition, this could be a way to rent out the economic damage caused by the forcing application.

Acknowledgements: This research was supported by funds from Project IB20082, the ERDF and Junta de Extremadura, AGA001 (GR21196).


Publication date: October 24, 2023

Issue: ICGWS 2023

Type: Poster


M. Esperanza Valdés-Sánchez1, Daniel Moreno-Cardona1, Nieves Lavado-Rodas1, David Uriarte-Hernandez2, Luis Mancha-Ramírez2, Antonia M. Vacas Ramos2 y M. Henar Prieto- Losada2

1 CICYTEX (Junta de Extremadura), Instituto Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Extremadura, Avda Adolfo Suárez s/n, Badajoz, Spain

2 CICYTEX (Junta de Extremadura), Finca La Orden, Guadajira, Badajoz, Spain

Contact the author*


anthocyanins, catechins, copigmentation, hue, color intensity


2ICGWS | ICGWS | ICGWS 2023 | IVES Conference Series


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