The role of ampelographic collection in genetic improvement of native varieties and the creation new varieties
The available plant diversity is maintained in global genetic collections and germplasm banks. One of the main objectives of the study of the genetic material of vine still conducting research to characterize the genotypes and the creation of new varieties. The main ampelographic collection of the country, the largest in the Balkans, is located at the Athens Vine Institute in Lykovrisi, Attica, in an area of 70 acres. It contains more than 800 varieties, most of which are indigenous. The Institute is conducting research on the genetic improvement of native varieties and the creation new winemaking and table grape varieties of high productivity, grape quality, resistance to fungal diseases and their adaptability to stresses using the hybridization method using European high-quality varieties. The genetic improvement, using the hybridization method, was made with traditional recognized methods. As a motherly were selected indigenous varieties and as fatherly were selected Western European varieties. The ampelographic description made in accordance with the instructions of the OIV 2013. They created the grape varieties for growing in all production areas of high quality white and red wines of different categories be used for genetic improvement of white and red vines.Τo determine the effect of different environmental conditions on growth, yield and quality of the product of each variety is necessary to do research.
Issue: GiESCO 2019
Type: Poster
1 Agricultural University of Athens, 75 IeraOdos str., 11855, Botanikos, Attica.
2 “ELGO DIMITRA”, Institute of Olive, Subtropical Plants and Division of Athens Vineyard, 1 Venizelou St., 14123 Lykovrysi, Attiki
3 Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnes School of Agricultural Techology,Antikalamos 24100 Kalamata, Greece
4 Russian University of Peoples’ Frendship, 6 Miklouho-Maclay St., Moscow Russia
5 Volgograd State Agrarian University . Volgograd Russia, 26 University Prospect
Hybridization, variety, shoots, leaves, inflorescence, cluster, berry