Macrowine 2021
IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Macrowine 9 Macrowine 2021 9 Grapevine diversity and viticultural practices for sustainable grape growing 9 Methyl jasmonate versus nano methyl jasmonate: effects on anthocyanins mature evolution in monastrell grapes

Methyl jasmonate versus nano methyl jasmonate: effects on anthocyanins mature evolution in monastrell grapes


AIM: The climate change is afecting particulary to the South of Spain, with high temperatures. It is important to develop new strategies in order to mantain the quality of wines. One of this strategies is the use of elicitors which increase the defense in plants and also increase the content of secondary metabolites, such as anthocyanins . On the other hand, the use of use of nanoparticules joined to methyl jasmonate could diminish the concentrations applied in plants but obtaining similar effects in Monastrell anthocyanins profile as using only methyl jasmonate.

METHODS: The treatments were carried out in an experimental vineyard of Monastrell located in South East of Spain, foliar application of each treatament, by triplicate, in verasion and a week later. The differents treataments were i) control, ii) methyl jasmonate and iii) nano methyl jasmonate (nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite doped with methyl jasmonate). A study of mature evolution was done, the samples were taken at the previous moment of the firts time treataments and every ten days and finaly in the moment of harvest. The analysis were performance by HPLC following the Gil Muñoz et al. (1) procedure.

RESULTS: The treatment with methyl jasmonate increased the anthocyanins composition in the differents points of maturation and also in the harvest moment. Similar results were obtained in the treatment with methyl jasmonate and hydroxyapatite doped with methyl jasmonate.


The used of nanotechnology in the treatments with methyl jasmonate would allow to reduce the dose of this elicitor obtaining similar results, in the way to reduce costs and contribute to a sustainable agriculture.


Publication date: September 2, 2021

Issue: Macrowine 2021

Type: Article


María José Giménez Bañón

Murcian Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Development (IMIDA), D.F Paladines-Quezada (a) J.D Moreno-Olivares (a) B. Parra-Torrejón (b) G.B Ramírez-Rodríguez (b) J.M Delgado-López (b) J.I Fernández-Fernández (a) R. Gil-Muñoz (a) a Murcian Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Development (IMIDA) b Inorganic Chemistry Department, Science Faculty, Granada University

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rippening, elicitor, nanotechnology, sustainable agriculture, anthocyanins, grape


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