IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Macrowine 9 Macrowine 2021 9 Category: Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling wines ( Page 3 )

Chemical diversity of ‘special’ wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling wines

Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

On sample preparation methods for fermentative beverage VOCs profiling by GCxGC-TOFMS

Study the influence of sample preparation methods on the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profiling for fermentative beverages by GCxGC-TOFMS analysis. METHODS: Five common sample preparation methods were tested on pooled red wine, white wine, cider, and beer. Studied methods were DHS, Liquid-liquid extraction, mSBSE, SPE and SPME. VOCs were analyzed by GCxGC-TOFMS followed by data analysis with ChromaTOF. RESULTS: The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profiling results were very dependent on the sample preparation methods.

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

Polyphenol targeted and untargeted metabolomics on rosé wines : impact of protein fining on polyphenolic composition and color

Color is one of the key elements in the marketing of rosé wines[1]. Their broad range of color is due to the presence of red pigments (i.e. anthocyanins and their derivatives) and yellow pigments, likely including polyphenol oxidation products. Clarifying agents are widely used in the winemaking industry to enhance wine stability and to modulate wine color by binding and precipitating polyphenols[2]. During this study, the impact of four different fining agents (i.e. two vegetal proteins, potatoe and pea proteins, an animal protein, casein, and a synthetic polymer, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, PVPP) on Syrah Rose wine color and phenolic composition (especially pigments) was investigated. Color was characterized by spectrophotometry analysis using the CIELab system in addition to absorbance data. Fining using PVPP had the highest impact on redness (a*) and lightness (L*) parameters, whereas patatin strongly reduced the yellow component (b*) of the wine color. In parallel, the concentration of 125 phenolic compounds including 85 anthocyanins and derived pigments was determined by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to elestrospray ionisaion triple-quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-ESI-MS) in the Multiple Reaction Monitoring mode[3] .

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

Terpenoids and norisoprenoids in italian red wines

AIM Terpene compounds are associated with floral notes and are characteristic of aromatic grape varieties such as Muscat (Jackson, 2008). They are generally considered to potentially contribute to the aroma of white wines. However, there is a growing interest towards the potential contribution of terpene compounds to the aroma of red wines. The aim of this work was to investigate the occurrence of different terpenes in red wines from Italian varieties. METHODS For this study wines from 11 mono-varietal Italian red wines from 12 regions were used (19 Sangiovese, 11 Nebbiolo, 10 Aglianico, 11 Primitivo, 10 Raboso del Piave, 9 Cannonau, 11 Teroldego, 3 Nerello, 9 Montepulciano, 7 Corvina). All samples were from vintage 2016 and none of them had been in contact with wood. A total of 19 terpenes and 7 norisoprenoids were analysed by mean of SPME-GC-MS analysis using a DVB-CAR-PDMS fiber. The wines were collected in the framework of the activities of the D-Wines (Diversity of Italian wines) project.

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

The use of Hanseniaspora vineae on the production of base sparkling wine

Non-Saccharomyces yeasts have been associated, for many years, with challenging alcoholic fermentation processes. However, during the last decade the use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in wine production has become increasingly widespread due to the advantages they can offer in mixed inoculations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc). In this respect, Hanseniaspora vineae (Hv), in synergy with Saccharomyces spp, represents an interesting opportunity to impart a positive contribution to the aroma complexity of wines. In fact, it is a well-known producer of pleasant esters, such as 2-phenylethyl acetate. This study compares the performances of Hv (strain Hv-205) in sequential inoculation modality to Sc in three Chardonnay musts for base sparkling wine production. No significant differences were observed in basic chemical parameters between wines except for titratable acidity, with a significantly decrease (up to 1.5 g/L) in Hv processes due to malic acid degradation. The analysis of the aroma compounds revealed remarkable differences in concentration of volatile metabolites, among others up to 37-fold increase of 2-phenylethyl acetate. In contrast, lower concentration of its alcohol were detected, suggesting higher acetylation activity by Hv.

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

Vinhos de talha: to pitch or not to pitch

In Alentejo, south of Portugal there is a traditional way of fermenting wines in clay vessels, known as “Vinhos de Talha”. Clay vessels were traditionally impermeabilized using pine pitch, creating a barrier between the fermenting must and the clay. Due to this unusual production technology that uses of clay vessels, instead of inox or wood vessels, “Vinhos de Talha” present unique characteristics increasingly appreciated by national and international consumers when compared with wine obtained by the said traditional methods of winemaking. Although the positive consumers feedback, there is little literature about the physical-chemical characteristics of these wines (Martins et al, 2018; Cabrita et al, 2018). This work aims to characterize the volatile composition of white wines produced in clay vessels with different coatings and to contribute to the knowledge and preservation of these wines that are a unique cultural heritage. Wine samples were produced during 2019 vintage from white grapes, using the traditional technology associated to these wines.

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

Volatile compounds of base wines for the production of Lessini Durello sparkling wine

AIM Durello is a sparkling wine produced in the Lessini mountains near Verona. The wine is made from Durella grapes, a native white grape variety with a particularly high acidity. In spite of the small production area (375 ha for only 35 producers), there is a growing interest in this product. However, little is known about the aromatic profiles of these wines. The aim of this work was to characterize the aroma profile of Durella base wines suitable for the production of Lessini Durello sparkling wine. METHODS 14 base wines from Durella grapesfrom different producers were used for this study. Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) and Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) sampling techniques coupled to GC-MS analysis allowed to identify and quantify a total of 62 volatile compounds. RESULTS Durello base wines showed relatively high levels of vitispirane, ß-damascenone, ß-citronellol and esters.

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Chemical diversity of 'special' wine styles: fortified wines, passito style, botrytized and ice wines, orange wines, sparkling winesIVES Conference SeriesMacrowine 2021

What is the best time to harvest grapes destined for withering? Ripeness and dehydration length affect phenolic composition of Nebbiolo grapes

Sfursat di Valtellina is a DOCG reinforced wine produced in Valtellina from partially withered red grapes of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Nebbiolo. The grape ripeness degree and the dehydration process strongly influence the physicochemical characteristics of grapes [1, 2, 3]. In particular, grape skin and seeds contain several classes of phenolic compounds strictly associated with red wine quality, which are significantly affected by these factors [4]. The aim of this research is to assess the combined influence of different ripeness levels and withering rates on the standard chemical composition and phenolic profile of winegrape in order to provide new insights and approaches to the management of withering, searching for the valorization of grape potentialities.

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