Terroir 2004

IVES 9 Tag: Terroir 2004 ( Page 3 )

Geological history and landscape of the Coastal wine-growing region, South Africa

The geology of the Western Cape testifies to the former existence of a late Precambrian supercontinent, its fragmentation, the closure of an ocean between the South African and South American continental precursors (Kalahari and Rio de la Plata cratons), the accumulation of marine sediments and limestones, and their compression during a collision between these cratons

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Gambellara zoning: climate and soil effect on the aromatic fresh and dried grape composition and wine aroma

La région de production de la Gambellara et Recioto di Gambellara DOC (variété Garganega), tout en n’intéressant qu’une surface limitée, présente une certaine variabilité de milieu due à la morphologie du territoire (colline et plaine), à l’état actuel des sols et aux variations climatiques entre les différents sites. Pour les années 2001, 2002

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Relationship between terroir and acidity for the red wine grape cultivar Malbec N or Cot N (Vitis vinifera L.) in AOC “Cahors” and “Côtes du Frontonnais “

L’étude préliminaire, réalisée sur les principaux cépages de la région Midi-Pyrénées, a montré que le Cot N possédait des teneurs en acide tartrique dans les moûts et les vins plus élevées que celles des cépages Négrette N, Tannat N, Duras N et Fer Servadou N.

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Method for the evaluation of climatic changes envisaging the protection of grape-growing terroirs: the Géoviticulture MCC system in the evaluation of the potential impact of the construction of hydroelectric power plants on viticulture

La recherche, conduite en 2002, a envisagé l’estimation, a priori, de l’effet du changement mesoclimatique sur le potentiel qualitatif de la région viticole de la Serra Gaúcha (Vallée du Rio das Antas) – Brésil, en fonction de la construction de 3 usines hydroélectriques.

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Outils de caracterisation et zonage des paysages viticoles: application aux vignobles français

Un paysage viticole est une relation entre des formes, dimension objective, et la perception que nous en avons, dimension subjective, émotionnelle. La viticulture n’est pas seulement productrice d’un vin, elle contribue également à façonner le paysage. Pourtant, jusqu’à présent, la connaissance des terroirs était principalement basée sur la caractérisation de leur aptitude à produire des vins de qualité.

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The South African vineyard landscapes: impact on long term cultural practices

This paper follows the one presented by Saayman at the International Symposium on Landscapes of Vines and Wines in the Loire Valley during July 2003. Where Saayman’s paper described the heritage and development of South African vineyard landscapes, this one focuses on how the landscape is used to assist in decision-making concerning the most important long term practices.

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Characterization of “territoires” throughout the production of wines obtained with withered grapes: the cases of “Terra della Valpolicella” (Verona) and “Terra della Valle del Piave” (Treviso) in Northern Italy

Dans la définition et la description d’un “territoire” (“terra” en italien), avec les facteurs du milieu et génétiques, un rôle important est joué par ceux agronomiques, techniques et de culture qui contribuent à caractériser le produit d’une zone spécifique.

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The effect of terroir zoning on pomological, chemical and aromatic composition of Muscat d’Alexandrie grapevine variety cultivated in Tunisia

La composition du raisin de la variété Muscat d’Alexandrie a été étudiée dans trois terroirs différents au Nord-Est de la Tunisie (RafRaf, Baddar et Kelibia).
Des échantillons de raisins ont été récoltés à maturité industrielle durant les saisons 2001 et 2002 dans les trois régions citées. Les paramètres pomologiques (poids moyen de la grappe et de la baie) et physico-chimiques

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The relationship between wind exposure and viticultural performance of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot in a coastal vineyard (South Africa)

The South Western Cape of South Africa is exposed to strong southerly and south easterly synoptic winds during the growth period of the grapevine. The development of sea breezes in the afternoon is also a phenomenon associated with the ripening period of grapes cultivated in this coastal area. Wind is one of the environmental variables having the greatest spatial variation but the implications of regular exposure to wind for the performance of the grapevine has not yet been determined for vineyards in the South Western Cape. This study was initiated to meet this need.
The study was conducted in a hedge-trellised vineyard of Vitis vinifera L. cv Merlot with north east – south west row direction. Thirty experimental sites, each consisting of 14 vines, were identified as being exposed to wind or sheltered based on hand-held anemometer readings during the 2001/2002 season. Four stationary anemometers were strategically positioned between the thirty sites. Stomatal conductance and leaf temperature were measured with a PP systems porometer. Vegetative and yield measurements were performed during the 2002/2003 season. The t-test of equal variance was used to determine significant differences in measured parameters between exposed and sheltered grapevines.
Stomatal conductance and leaf area were significantly reduced by exposure to wind. This was associated with a significant reduction in the leaf area of primary shoots, related to shorter shoots, but a significant augmentation of secondary shoot leaf number and area. The number of bunches per vine and yield were also reduced for exposed vines. The berry potassium content was significantly increased for exposed grapevines.
This demonstrates that exposure to wind can result in significant within-vineyard, and potentially between-vineyard, variability in grapevine physiology, vegetative growth, yield and berry composition, with implications for wine style and quality.

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The role of climate/soil of different zones/terroirs on grape characteristics

According to the different concern of the ‘traditional’ and the ‘new’ wine-producing Countries, a variable importance is recognized to the climate/soil and to grapevine cultivars as factors affecting the wine quality. However, the viticultural experience can state that, within each area, climate and soil plays an incontestable role in affecting grape quality, and consequently wine quality, as well as the genetic characteristics of the cultivar.

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