We are very proud to announce our collaboration with the podcast “The Art of selling wine”. One episode per month will be produced to promote the articles published in our journals, OENO One, IVES Technical Reviews and our web platform IVES Conference Series.

Listen to the first episode of this series:

“Cutting edge wine research with Julien Dumercq from IVES (International Viticulture & Enology Society)” is available on Spotify or Apple Podcast. In this episode, Julien and Diego talk about scientific publishing and the place of research in the lives of professionals.

More information about “The Art of selling wine”

“The Art of selling wine” is a free podcast show dedicated to wine professionals. The Art of selling wine explores brand success in a global wine industry. Podcasts are so perfect to hear in the vineyards or on the way to clients.

The winemaker, Diego Weber, studied international wine business in Geisenheim from 2012 to 2016. Then, he combined his two passions wine and business to create a podcast. Since July 2021, he has been running his international podcast the Art of selling wine and the German counterpart WEIN verkauft! independently and works as self-employed wine business consultant for emerging wine brands.

In cooperation with Diego Weber, our executive manager Julien Dumercq announces a monthly science communication podcast for wine professionals. The purpose of these podcasts is to share information on the current challenges of winegrowers.

To know more about collaboration possibilities, contact Julien Dumercq or click here!