The abstracts of the oral presentations and posters are available with Open Access. Discover the cutting-edge scientific results of the Terclim 2022 conference on IVES Conference series

“Terroir and climate are very important topics for the vine and wine sectors as terroir and climate are major drivers of wine quality. In addition, climate can be an important component of terroir. Terroir is a complex concept and climate change is currently challenging our understanding of its relationship with wine quality and marketing”.

The 14th International Terroir Congress and the 2nd ClimWine symposium have been organized jointly in Bordeaux from 3 to 8 July 2022. During one week, scientists from 24 wine-producing countries presented nearly 200 talks. It was organised by UMR Ecophysiology and Functional Genomics of GrapevineINRAEBordeaux Sciences AgroInstitute of Vine & Wine Science of Bordeaux and hosted by the University of Bordeaux.

IVES publisher is proud to share with you the 14 articles published in OENO One in collaboration with Terclim 2022. To read them freely, click here.