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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences 9 2ICGWS-2023 9 REGAVID a decision tool to deficit irrigation in a temperate climate (DO Monterrei – Spain)

REGAVID a decision tool to deficit irrigation in a temperate climate (DO Monterrei – Spain)


In temperate climates, such as in the North of Spain, the use of irrigation in the vineyard has not been required, due to the usual rainfall from June to August. In some large vineyards, irrigation management has been carried out, based on occasional support irrigation, or for the application of nutrients (fertigation). Currently it is necessary to implement decision support models to manage irrigation water in real time and avoid misuse of a scarce resource. Moreover, quality standards must be achieved, as in the previous rainfed viticulture. The develop model, REGAVID, linked to an Operational Group in Galicia – Spain, include the characterization of soil physical properties, plant canopy, meteorological data, as well as the irrigation system. The calibration of crop coefficients has been carried out in a commercial vineyard of the DO Monterrei (Spain), in 2022, taking into account the crop evapotranspiration throughout the vegetative-productive cycle. Based on the measurements of soil water (potential and content), and the weather forecast for a week ahead, the irrigation starts parameters have been programmed, as well as the weekly irrigation dose.

The use of continuous measurement sensors, Watermark, at different depths allows knowing the dynamics of water in the soil and establishing thresholds to manage the irrigation. The irrigation management support system allows defining a different deficit irrigation strategy depending on vineyard stage and the season.

In conclusion, flexible irrigation management tools are key for irrigation management in temperate climates, even more so with mostly sandy and fast-draining soils.


Publication date: October 9, 2023

Issue: ICGWS 2023

Type: Poster


Cancela J.J.1*, Franco D.2, Rey D.2, Gay J.A.2, Tubío M.3, Martínez X.3, Rodríguez-Febereiro M.1, Fandiño M.1

1 GI-1716. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Campus Terra, Lugo, Spain
2 MONET Tecnología e Innovación SL. Rúa Das Pontes 4, 36350 Nigrán, Pontevedra, Spain
3 Bodegas Martín Códax. Burgáns 91 – 36633 Vilariño, Cambados – Pontevedra

Contact the author*


decision support system 1, scheduling irrigation 2, Godello 3, soil sensors 4


2ICGWS | ICGWS | ICGWS 2023 | IVES Conference Series


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