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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 GiESCO 9 GiESCO 2023 9 Category: Sessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change ( Page 2 )

Sessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Oral presentations

GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Identifying best parameters to characterize genotypes capability of retaining adequate malic acid at harvest and in final wines

Under current climate change pressures, obtaining grapes with adequate acidity at harvest is one of the main challenges for growers, especially if the goal is producing sparkling wines. This issue arises from two main occurrences: i) higher temperatures enhance degradation of malic acid; ii) grape maturity may occur under suboptimal climatic conditions due to an advanced phenology.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Viticultural parameters and enological performance of six Merlot clones in two contrasting vintages

Vitis vinifera L. and other Vitis have high genetic variations for cultivars or varieties. Many countries carried out strong efforts creating new clones of varieties, mainly focusing on plants free of viruses and other grapevine diseases, but also on different agronomical and enological characteristics of the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate six clones of Merlot in the traditional viticulture of southeastern Brazil, focusing on distinct characteristics of yield, enological potential of grapes and wine typicality, in order to improve wine quality.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

First insights on the intra-species diversity in V. berlandieri: environmental adaptation and agronomic performances when used as rootstock

In grafted plants, such as grapevine, increasing the diversity of rootstocks available to growers is an ideal strategy to get adaptation to climate change. The rootstocks used for grapevine are hybrids of various American Vitis, including V. berlandieri. The rootstocks currently used in vineyards are derived from breeding programs involving very small numbers of parental individuals.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Exploring the mechanisms of grapevine single berry development and ripening

The strategy of single berry phenotyping is a recently rediscovered research tool that has gained great attention. The latest studies have indicated that previous physiological models based on pooling asynchronous populations of berries provided biased or blurred information on berry development key players. The possibility of monitoring and sampling single synchronized berries to study their development sequentially has opened new lines of research aimed at unraveling the genes that regulate grapevine fruit development. This study aimed to decipher the gene pathways responsible for the activation/deactivation of physiological processes involved in the green phase of growth, the onset of ripening, and the second growth phase.

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GiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Clustering wine aromatic composition of Vitis vinifera grapevine varieties

Climate change is likely to impact wine typicity across the globe, raising concerns in wine regions historically renowned for the quality of their terroir. Amongst several changes in viticultural practices, replacing some of the planting material (i.e clones, rootstocks and cultivars) is thought to be one of the most promising potential levers to be used for adapting to climate change. But the change of cultivars also involves the issue of protecting the region’s wine typicity.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesSessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Uncovering the effectiveness of vineyard techniques used to delay ripening through meta-analysis

One of the most concerning trends associated with increasing heat and water stress is advanced ripening of grapes, which leads to harvesting fruit at higher sugar concentrations but lacking optimal phenolic (i.e. color and mouthfeel) and aromatic maturity. Mitigation techniques for this phenomenon have been studied for many years and practices to delay sugar accumulation have been identified, including antitranspirants, delayed pruning and late-source-limitation techniques. Evaluation of the efficacy of these vineyard practices has occurred across a wide range of environments, vintages, varieties and growing conditions. To assess the broader efficacy of these three vineyard practices, which are easy-to-implement and cost-effective, a meta-analytic approach was adopted using data retrieved from 43 original studies.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023Sessions 1, 2 and 3: Adaptation to climate change

Heatwaves impacts on grapevine physiology, berry chemistry & wine quality

Climate change impacts on both yields and quality have increased over the past decades, with the effects of extreme climate events having the most dramatic and obvious impacts. Increasing length and intensity of heatwaves associated with increased water stress necessitates a reevaluation of climate change responses of grapevine and, ultimately, a reconsideration of vineyard management practices under future conditions. Here we summarize results from a three-year field trial manipulating irrigation prior to and during heatwave events to assess impacts of water application rates on vine health and physiology, berry chemistry, and wine quality. We also highlight potential mitigation strategies for extreme heat, both in terms of water application, as well as other cultural practices that could be widely applicable.

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