We are honoured to announce that OENO ONE has been ranked with an improved Impact Factor* of 3.000!

Thanks to the editors in chief Pierre-Louis Teissedre and Cornelis van Leeuwen and to the editorial team. Thanks also to the associate editors and reviewers for their contribution to the editorial process. We would also like to thank authors who chose OENO One to publish their work with Open Access. Thanks to you, OENO One is encountering great success!

Evolution of OENO One Impact Factor
Evolution of submissions and published articles for OENO One

Launched in 2016, OENO One is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal in the field of vine, grape and wine sciences. There are no publication or access fees. To join the wine and vine Open Access movement, click here.

How is calculated a Journal Impact Factor?
IF 2021 = (citations in 2021 to items published in 2019 and 2020) / Number of citable items in 2019 and 2020)