OENO One received a 2019 Clarivate impact factor* (IF) of 2.831.
Thank you for your support!
“The foundation of the success story of OENO One is the broad community of 16 academic members, all among the leading universities and research institutes in vine and wine sciences and our trust worthy institutional and private partners.
We owe a lot to our associate editors and reviewers, who are the guarantees of the high scientific standard of the articles we publish! We also owe a lot to our authors, readers and contributors!
Our Open Access policy, free for readers but also without article processing charges, is another driver of our commune success.
We are pleased to inform you that OENO One received a 2019 Clarivate impact factor (IF) of 2.831.
OENO One was created in 2016 and its first IF was attributed in
2017 (0.769), which subsequently reached 1.479 in 2018.
Thank you!“
Pierre-Louis Teissedre and Cornelis (Kees) van Leeuwen
Editors in chief of OENO One

* How is calculated a Journal Impact Factor?
IF 2019 =(citations in 2019 to items published in 2017 and 2018) / Number of citable items in 2017 and 2018)
© Graphic: Clarivate analytics – InCites Journal Citations Reports