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IVAS Session 4 – Posters

IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

1H-NMR-based Untargeted Metabolomics to assess the impact of soil type on the chemical composition of Mediterranean red wines

Untargeted metabolomics has proven to be an effective method to study the impact of the terroir on metabolic profile of wines. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different soil types on the chemical composition of Mediterranean red wines, through 1H-NMR metabolomics combined with chemometrics.Grapes from Nero d’Avola L. red cultivar cultivated on four different soil types were separately vinified to obtain four different red wines.One milliliter of raw wine was analyzed by means of a Bruker Avance II 400 spectrometer operating at 400.15 MHz

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Amphora Wines: To Pitch Or Not To Pitch

Amphora wines are known in Portugal as Vinhos de Talha. In this technology, alcoholic fermentation takes place in clay vessels that traditionally were pitched inside using pine pitch. Vinhos de Talha has a distinctive sensorial profile, due to the ancestral technique of vinification. However nowadays, some clay vessels are impermeabilized with other materials than pitch, such as bee wax and mainly epoxy resins.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Determination of Aroma Compounds in Grape Mash under Conditions of Tasting by On-line Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

The production of high-quality wines requires the use of high-quality grapes. Some compounds originating from grapes may negatively influence the odour and flavour of the resulting wine in their original form or as precursors for off-odours and –flavours. Therefore, a rapid evaluation of the grapes directly upon receival at the winery is advantageous. Up to now, grape aroma is mainly evaluated by tasting, however, this leads to subjective results. The use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy allows a rapid, objective and destruction-free analysis without previous sample preparation. Moreover, the measurement can be integrated into an existing process without additional sampling.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – Posters

Differentiation and characterization of Spanish fortified wines with protected designation of origin based on volatiles using multivariate approaches

Spain is one of the main producers of high-quality fortified wines. Particularly some of them elaborated in Andalusia have acquired a great prestige for being unique due to their production in a specific geographical area with traditional methods, the grape variety used, the climate and the soil. Such is their distinguishing feature achieved that they have been protected by the European Union with the indication “Protected Designation of Origin” (PDO). Thus, there are four PDO of fortified wines in Andalucía (‘Condado de Huelva’, ‘Jerez Xérès Sherry’, ‘Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda’, and ‘Montilla-Moriles’). Furthermore, within each PDO,there are different categories according to their particular characteristics and winemaking conditions such as the aging process.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Discrimination of monovarietal Italian red wines using derivative voltammetry

Identification of specific analytical fingerprints associated to grape variety, origin, or vintage is of great interest for wine producers, regulatory agencies, and consumers. However, assessing such varietal fingerprint is complex, time consuming, and requires expensive analytical techniques. Voltammetry is a fast, cheap, and user-friendly analytical tool that has been used to investigate and measure wine phenolics.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Effects of major enological variables on the evolution of the chemical profile in Schiava over the vinification: an experimental design approach

Schiava cv. (germ. Vernatsch) is a group of grape varieties used for winemaking (e.g. Kleinvernatsch-Schiava gentile, Grauvernatsch-Schiava grigia, Edelvernatsch-Schiava grossa) historically reported in Northern Italy, Austria, Germany and Croatia. Beside common phenotypic traits, these varieties have been also hypothesized to share a common geographical origin in Slavonia (Eastern Croatia). Nowadays, Schiava cv. are considered historical grape varieties of northern regions of Italy such as Lombardy, Trentino and South Tyrol. Traditionally widely consumed locally and also exported, over the past decades there has been a steady drop in production of these grapes, although with a parallel increase in wine quality. In this report, the effects of three main enological variables on the chemical components of Schiava produced in South Tyrol (var. Schiava grossa) are investigated from grape to bottle.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Targeted and untargeted 1H-NMR analysis for sparkling wine’s authenticity

Studies on wineomics (wine’s metabolome) have increased considerably over the last two decades. Wine results from many environmental, human and biological factors leading to a specific metabolome for each terroir. NMR metabolomics is a particularly effective tool for studying the metabolome since it allows the rapid and simultaneous detection of major compounds from several chemical families.1 Quantitative NMR has already proven its effectiveness in monitoring the authenticity of still wines.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Untargeted LC-HRMS analysis to discover new taste-active compounds in spirits.

​For several years, the chemistry of taste has aroused high interest both from academics and industrials. Plant kingdom is a rich and reliable source of new taste-active compounds. Many sweet, bitter or sour molecules have been identified in various plants [1]. They belong to diverse chemical families and their sensory properties are strongly affected by slight structural modifications. As a consequence, the investigation of natural taste-active products in a given matrix appears as a major challenge for chemists. Such studies are particularly relevant in oenology since they allow a better understanding of wine and spirit taste.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Untargeted metabolomics to identify potential chemical markers responsible for the permissiveness of red wines against Brettanomyces bruxellensis

Red wines constitute the majority of the wines produced in Bordeaux. All along the winemaking process, many microorganisms may develop in wine. A lot of them are useful but a common defect found in wine is linked to the development of Brettanomyces bruxellensis, a yeast that produces volatile phenols. These molecules are responsible for an unwanted sensorial defect described as similar to “horse sweat”, “burnt plastic” or “leather”. It has been shown that while some wines are very permissive and easily contaminated, others are pretty resistant to Brettanomyces development. However, common parameters such as pH, alcohol or sugars composition cannot fully explain the differences observed in wine permissiveness.

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IVAS 2022IVAS Session 4 – PostersIVES Conference Series

Wine ageing: Managing wood contact time.

Barrel ageing is a transformative process that alters a wine’s organoleptic properties and consequently its price. Even though it is considered beneficial mostly for red wines, ageing can also be used for white wines but for shorter time periods. Due to barrel costs, space requirements and the markets’ demands for fast release of each new vintage, new products such as oak chips or shavings have been developed to help minimize the time needed for the extraction of essential wood compounds.

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