IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 OENO IVAS 9 OENO IVAS 2019 9 Category: Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…

Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…

Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

A new graphical interface as a tool to integrate data from GC-MS and UPLC-MS-QTOF: new compounds related with port wine aging

Port wine value is related to its molecular profile resulting from the changes occurring during the ageing period. It is of empirical knowledge that the style is greatly affected by the oxidation regimens, i.e. bottle versus barrel storage

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Can wine composition predict quality? A metabolomics approach to assessing Pinot noir wine quality as rated by experts

The perception of wine quality is determined by the assessment of multiple sensory stimuli, including aroma, taste, mouthfeel and visual aspects. With so many different parameters contributing to the overall perception of wine quality, it is important to consider the contribution of all metabolites in a wine when attempting to relate composition to quality.

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Development of a LC-FTMS method to quantify natural sweeteners in red wines

The quality of a wine is largely related to the balance between its sourness, bitterness and sweetness. Recently, molecules coming from grapes have been showed to notably contribute to sweet taste of dry wines. To study the viticultural and oenological parameters likely to affect their concentration, their quantification appears of high interest and subsequently requires powerful analytical techniques. Therefore, a new method using liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) was developed and validated to quantify epi-DPA-3′-O-β-glucopyranoside acid (epi-DPA-G) and astilbin, sweet molecules identified in wine. Three gradients were tested on five different C18 columns (Hypersil Gold, HSS T3, BEH, Syncronis and Kinetex).

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Development of a new method to understand headspace aroma distribution and explore the pre-sensory level in perceptive interactions involved in red wine fruity aroma expression

A part, at least, of red wines fruity expression may be explained by perceptive interactions involving particularly various substituted ethyl esters and acetates present at concentration far below their olfactory threshold, specifically thanks to synergistic effects. Wine sensory perception is directly linked to the stimulation of the taster at the level of olfactory epithelium by volatiles. These compounds are liberated from the matrix to the atmosphere, and will then be smelt. From a physico-chemical point of view, these volatiles ability to be released may be evaluated by their partition coefficients, which correspond to the volatile concentration ratio between the liquid and gas phase. Our goal is, through these coefficients determination, to assess if volatile matrix composition is able to impact the volatility of some compounds, and then explain sensory perception, i.eto evaluate what is called the pre-sensorial level impact.

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Fully automated non-targeted GC-MS data analysis

Non-targeted analysis is applied in many different domains of analytical chemistry such as metabolomics, environmental and food analysis. In contrast to targeted analysis, non-targeted approaches take information of known and unknown compounds into account, are inherently more comprehensive and give a more holistic representation of the sample composition.

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Integrated multiblock data analysis for improved understanding of grape maturity and vineyard site contributions to wine composition and sensory domains

Much research has sought to define the complex contribution of terroir (varieties x site x cultural practices) on wine composition. This investigation applied recent advances in chemometrics to determine relative contributions of vine growth, berry maturity and site mesoclimate to wine composition and sensory profiles of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon for two vintages.

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Analytical developments from grape to wine, spirits : omics, chemometrics approaches…IVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Strategies for sample preparation and data handling in GC-MS wine applications

It is often said that wine is a complex matrix and the chemical analysis of wine with the thousands of compounds detected and often measured is proof. New technologies can assist not only in separating and identifying wine compounds, but also in providing information about the sample as a whole. Information-rich techniques can offer a fingerprint of a sample (untargeted analysis), a comprehensive view of its chemical composition. Applying statistical analysis directly to the raw data can significantly reduce the number of compounds to be identified to the ones relevant to a particular scientific question. More data can equal more information, but also more noise for the subsequent statistical handling.

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