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Proceedings of OENO Macrowine 2023

From July 10 to 13, 2023, the Oenology Research Unit of the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences from Bordeaux university hosted the 12th International Symposium of Oenology of Bordeaux which was held in conjunction with the 9th International Macrowine Conference on Macromolecules and Secondary Metabolites of Vine and Wine.

OENO Macrowine 2023 – View all

IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Short communications - Plant and environment - Grape and wine quality


Climate change has brought several impacts that are becoming increasingly intense during the last few years and put at risk the quality of the berries or even the plant’s sustainability. Such extreme climatic events impact the composition of the wine while modulating its quality and the consumer preferences (Tempère et al., 2019). The three most important changes that take place in the must are: 1) decrease acidity, 2) increase of the concentration of sugar, hence increase of alcohol in the wine, and 3) modification
of the sensory balance and the development for example of cooked fruit aromas.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Posters - Wine chemistry, wine components with physiological effects


In Italy, in the past two decades, the rate of temperature increases (0.0369 °C per year) was slightly higher compared to the world average (0.0313 °C per year). It has also been indicated that the number and intensity of heat waves have increased considerably in the last decades. (IEA, 2022). Viticultural zones can be classified with climatic indexes. Huglin’s index (HI) considers the temperature in a definite area and has been considered as reliable to evaluate the thermal suitability for winegrape production (Zhang et al., 2023).

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Plant and environment - Grape and wine quality

A synthesis approach on the impact of elevated CO2 on berry physiology and yield of Vitis vinifera

Besides the increase in global mean temperature the second main challenge of a changing climate is the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in relation to physiology and yield performance of grapevines. The benefits of increasing CO2 levels under greenhouse environment or open field studies have been well investigated for various annual crops. Research under free carbon dioxide enrichment on field-grown perennial plants such as grapevines is limited to a few studies. Further, chamber and greenhouse experiments have been conducted mostly on potted vines under eCO2 conditions.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Grape and wine microorganisms: diversity and adaptation

Microbial ecosystems in wineries – molecular interactions between species and modelling of population dynamics

Microbial ecosystems are primary drivers of viticultural, oenological and other cellar-related processes
such as wastewater treatment. Metagenomic datasets have broadly mapped the vast microbial species
diversity of many of the relevant ecological niches within the broader wine environment, from vineyard
soils to plants and grapes to fermentation. The data highlight that species identities and diversity
significantly impact agronomic performance of vineyards as well as wine quality, but the complexity
of these systems and of microbial growth dynamics has defeated attempts to offer actionable
tools to guide or predict specific outcomes of ecosystem-based interventions.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Oenological practices and processes

Searching for the sweet spot: a focus on wine dealcoholization

It is well known that the vinification of grapes at full maturation can produce rich, full-bodied wines,
with intense and complex flavour profiles. However, the juice obtained from such grapes may have very
high sugar concentration, resulting in wines with an excessive concentration of ethanol. In addition, the decoupling between technological maturity and phenolic/aromatic one due to global warming, exacerbates this problem in some wine-growing regions. In parallel with the increase of the mean alcohol content of wines on the market, also the demand for reduced alcohol beverages has increased in recent years, mainly as a result of health and social concerns about the risks related to the consumption of alcohol.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Wine chemistry, wine components with physiological effects

Metabolomics for grape and wine research: exploring the contributions of amino acids to wine flavour

A critical aspect of wine quality is the overall expression of wine flavour, which is formed by the interplay of volatile aroma compounds, their precursors, and taste and matrix components.
Grapes directly contribute to wine only a small number of potent aroma compounds, and the unique
sensory attributes and perceived quality of a wine result from combining 100s of metabolites of grapes, yeast and bacteria, and oak wood.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Wine chemistry, wine components with physiological effects

Molecular approaches for understanding and modulating wine taste

Wine consumers generally demand wines having a perception of softer tannins and less ripe, having a heaviness and richness on palate (full-body wine) with a limpid and stable color. However, polyphenol
(tannins)-rich wines have been also correlated with unpleasant taste properties such as astringency and
bitterness when perceived at high intensities. Modulating these unpleasant properties could be important for consumer’s approval of wines.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Sensory properties, psychophysics, experimental economy, connexions with neurosciences

Beyond liking scores: the importance of the drinking experience to understand our consumers

The presentation will approach the understanding of wine consumers´ perception based on the experiential model suggested by Warell (2008). In this framework, wine consumption gives rise to a
variety of experiences related to the perception, understanding, and judgment of the product. These
multidimensional facets of the drinking experience can be explored by measuring affective, cognitive,
and sensory responses of consumers, which are shown to be stable regardless of the social context.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Oral - Sensory properties, psychophysics, experimental economy, connexions with neurosciences

Managing changes in taste: lessons from champagne in britain 1800-1914

This paper focuses on how taste in wine (and other foods) changes and the implications of this process
for producers and merchants.
It draws primarily on the changing taste of and taste for champagne in Britain in the 19th century. Between 1850 and 1880 champagne went from a dosage level of around 20% (20 grams sugar / litre) to 0%. Champagne became the ‘dinner wine of the elite – drunk with roast meat and savoury dishes.
Contemporaries accepted that while most people could distinguish the taste of good champagne from that of bad, very few could distinguish very good from good.

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IVES Conference SeriesOENO MacrowineOENO Macrowine 2023Posters - Sensory properties: psychophysics-cognitive psychology, experimental economy, connexions with neurosciences


Grape quality potential for wine production is strongly influenced by environmental parameters such as climate and agronomic factors such as rootstock. Several studies underline the effect of rootstock on vegetative growth of the scions [1] and on berry composition [2, 3] with an impact on wine quality. Rootstocks are promising agronomic tools for climate change adaptation and in most grape-growing regions the potential diversity of rootstocks is not fully used and only a few genotypes are planted. Little is known about the effect of rootstock genetic variability on the aromatic composition in wines; thus further investigations are needed.

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