IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 WAC 9 WAC 2022 9 Category: 2 - WAC - Oral presentations

2 – WAC – Oral presentations

2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

“Vinhos de mesa” et oenophilie : quand les caractéristiques organoleptiques des cépages américains empêchent l’intégration des consommateurs à l’univers de l’appréciation esthétique

Au Brésil, 80 % du vignoble national et 90 % du vignoble de l’État du Rio Grande do Sul (principale région productrice de vins dans le pays) sont plantés avec des cépages issus de vitis labrusca ou de cépages hybrides (DEBASTIANI, 2015). Une partie de cette production est utilisée pour la préparation de jus de raisin et de concentrés de moût ou de pulpe de raisin. Le restant est consacré à

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Entre ce que les consommateurs disent, ce qu’ils apprécient et ce qu’ils achètent… où se situent les vins de chasselas ?

Originaire du bassin lémanique, le chasselas est l’emblème de la viticulture suisse. Pour autant, les surfaces de chasselas n’ont cessé de diminuer, passant de 6’585 hectares en 1986 à près de 3’600 aujourd’hui, reflet d’une baisse de consommation. Une récente étude a cherché à comprendre les raisons de ce désintérêt. Réalisée dans

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

How do we describe wine imagery? Expertise shapes language usage and multimodal imagery for wine

The acquisition of wine expertise is a multi-faceted and multisensory process with implications for sensory perception, attention, memory, and language production. With the prevalence of the predictive model of brain functioning, one area of burgeoning research interest involves wine mental imagery, since the brain relies on imagined experiences to build predictions for the future. Recent evidence has shown that, for instance, those with higher imagery vividness are more susceptible to wine advertising. However, little is known about the association between mental imagery and other associated cognitive processes, such as the ability to produce words that describe such imagery. 

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Multisensory experiential wine marketing

Interest in the pairing, or matching, of wine with music goes way back, with commentators initially using musical metaphors merely to describe the wines that they were writing about. More recently, however, this has transformed into a growing range of multisensory tasting events in which wine and music are deliberately paired to assess, or increasingly to illustrate, the impact of the latter on

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Prise en compte et mutations de l’acidité volatile au XXe siècle : les évolutions règlementaires, scientifiques et qualitatives d’un composé du vin au regard de l’histoire

Les composés actifs du vin ont, jusqu'ici, peu fait l'objet d'études sur le temps long. Le développement de l'œnologie, de l'analyse des vins et, de manière concomitante, l'essor des règlementations vinicoles au XXe siècle révèlent pourtant au grand jour le poids de ces composés et leurs évolutions. Dans cette communication, nous souhaitons montrer comment l'acidité volatile des vins,

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

Sensory impact of acetaldehyde addition in Syrah red wines

Acetaldehyde is a volatile carbonyl compound synthetized by yeast during alcoholic fermentation, but it can also be formed by oxidation of ethanol during wine aging [1]. At low concentration, it enhances the fruity aroma, however, at higher levels, it can generate the appearance of notes of bruised and rotten apple [2]. From a chemical point of view, acetaldehyde is a reactive low-

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2 - WAC - Oral presentationsIVES Conference SeriesWAC 2022

The importance of the physicochemical composition of wine on the score awarded in an official contest

The quality of wine is difficult to define. This is most certainly accredited to everyone´s different perception of quality. Some of the indicators of high-quality wines are color complexity and balance. Color is one of the most crucial attributes of quality, not only for the obvious implications for their perception but also because they are indicators of other aspects related to its aroma and taste.

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