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Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Poster sessions

GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Biochemical responses of crimson seedless (Vitis vinifera) grapevines to altered micro climatic conditions and different water treatments in the Breede River Valley of South Africa

The South African Table grape industry has to expand to new markets with high quality niche products, but limited water availability threatens sustainable production. To overcome this challenge and to obtain high-quality products for the new markets, require constant technological advancement. Currently, limited available scientific information about growth balances and physiology and especially grape quality parameters, hinders technological advancement and thus efficient regulatory management of the morphological, chemical, and pathological status of table grapes, especially in response to abiotic factors.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Deciphering grapevine trunk early molecular responses to P. minimum and P. chlamydospora in the presence of a commercial biocontrol agent (Trichoderma atroviride, Vintec®)

Esca, one of the main grapevine trunk diseases, is a complex and poorly understood disease. Phaeoacremonium minimum and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, two of the main pathogens associated to this disease, are thought to be responsible for the first trunk infections. Little is known concerning grapevine trunk defenses during pathogen infection.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Grapevine genotypes differ in xylem vessel occlusion after winter pruning 

Grapevines are continually wounded throughout their cultivation especially during winter pruning. Grapevines respond to wounding by occluding xylem vessels with gels or tyloses to limit pathogen attack and dehydration of the tissues. Although the production of xylem vessel occlusions has been studied in grapevine, to date we have no knowledge of whether different genotypes respond differently. The objective of this study was to characterize the genetic variation in xylem vessel occulsions in five different scion genotypes pruned at different dates.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Cordon height and deficit irrigation practices interact to affect yield and fruit quality of Cabernet Sauvignon and petite Sirah grown in a hot climate

Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Sirah are the top red wine cultivars in CA, however, the hot climate in Fresno is not ideal for red Vitis Vinifera, particularly for berry color development. Mechanical pruning and irrigation were studied previously to significantly affect grapevine yield performance and berry quality. But there is lack of studies on cordon height and irrigation on mechanical pruned vineyard system.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Identifying wild Vitis riparia Michx clones as a source of rootstock to mitigate vigour and acclimation/deacclimation cycles of the scion

Grapevine rootstocks have traditionally been chosen in order to manage scion vigour, soil pests and soil conditions. Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM) has been in use since the turn of the 19th century, over 100 years and still a remarkably stable source of phylloxera (Daktulosphaeria vitifoliae Fitch) resistance. The original source material was probably collected near the Missouri/Mississippi river confluence, a mid-continental but more southerly location in the United States. It has been hypothesized that more northerly selections of V. riparia Michx might improve both fall acclimation rate and depth of the scion, thus mitigating late fall frost and midwinter freeze damage.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

The effects of perennial cover crop management on soil temperature and vine water status

The implications of perennial cover crop management on vine vigor and yield have been well documented. However, whereas multiple studies show that cover crop management affects grapevine dry matter production, water, and nutrient status, the specific effects of a new hybrid perennial cover crop on soil temperature and its relationship to vine water status in vineyards has not been explored. This study will compare 3 different perennial cover crop combinations and tillage practices with a no-till seeding of a new hybrid perennial, Poa bulbosa (Pb).

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

How to improve the success of dead vine replacement: insights into the impacts of young plant‘s environment 

Grapevine faces multiple biotic and/or abiotic stresses, which are interrelated. Depending on their incidence, they can have a negative impact on the development and production of the plant, but also on its longevity, leading to vine dieback. One of the consequences of vine dieback on production is the increased replacement rate of dead or missing vines within a parcel.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Manipulating grapevine bud fruitfulness

Bud fruitfulness is a key component of reproductive performance of grapevine. It plays a significant role in annual yield variation of vineyards as it is a prerequisite of crop production in the following season. Various exogenous and endogenous factors influencing the development of inflorescence primordia (IP) have been studied. However, the research on molecular genetic control of bud fruitfulness, especially how it interacts with environmental factors is still lacking. This study aims to investigate the molecular mechanism of effects of temperature and light on grapevine bud fruitfulness during initiation and differentiation of IP.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Genotypic differences in early-stage root architectural traits and consequences for water uptake in three grapevine rootstocks differing in drought tolerance

Root architecture (RSA), the spatial-temporal arrangement of a root system in soil, is essential for edaphic resources acquisition by the plant, and thus contributes largely to its productivity and adaptation to environmental stresses, particularly soil water deficit. In grafted grapevine, while the degree of drought tolerance induced by the rootstock has been well documented in the vineyard, information about the underlying physiological processes, particularly at the root level, is scarce, due to the inherent difficulties in observing large root systems in situ. The aims of this study were (i) to determine the phenotypic differences in traits related to root distribution and morphology along the substrate profile in different Vitis rootstocks during early growth, (ii) to assess the plasticity of these traits to soil water deficit and (iii) to quantify their relationships with plant water uptake.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Using the fraction of transpirable soil water to estimate grapevine leaf water potential: comparing the classical statistical regression approach to machine learning algorithms

Weather uncertainty is forcing Mediterranean winegrowers to adopt new irrigation strategies to cope with water scarcity while ensuring a sustainable yield and improved berry and wine quality standards. Therefore, more accurate and high-resolution monitoring of soil water content and vine water status is a major concern. Leaf water potential measured at pre-dawn (PD) is considered to be in equilibrium with soil water potential and is highly correlated with soil water content at the soil depth where roots extract water.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Managing precision irrigation in vineyards: hydraulic and molecular signaling in eight grapevine varieties

Understanding the physiological and molecular bases of grapevine responses to mild to moderate water deficits is fundamental to optimize vineyard irrigation management and identify the most suitable varieties. In Mediterranean regions, the higher frequency of heat waves and droughts highlights the importance of precision irrigation to meet vine water demands and demonstrates the necessity for a deeper understanding of the different physiological responses among varieties under water stress. In this context, previous reports show an interplay between stomatal regulation of transpiration and changes in leaf hydraulic conductivity, also with the involvement of aquaporins (AQPs), particularly under water stress. However, how those signaling mechanisms are regulated in different grapevine varieties along phenological phases is unclear.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

High and extreme high temperature effects on shiraz berry composition 

Climate change is leading to a rise in average temperature and in the frequency and severity of heatwaves, and is already significantly disturbing grapevine phenology and berry composition. With the evolution of the weather of Australian grape growing regions that are already warm and hot, flavonoids, for which biosynthesis depends on bunch microclimate, are expected to be impacted. These compounds include anthocyanins and tannins which contribute substantially to grape and wine quality. The goals of this project were to determine if berry tannin accumulation is sensitive to high temperature and to enhance knowledge on upper temperature limits for viable wine production, in turn informing critical timing for mitigation strategies.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Dialing in grapevine water stress indicators to better reflect holistic stress responses

Current remote sensing strategies rely heavily on reflectance data and energy balance modelling using thermal imagery to estimate crop water use and stress. These approaches show great promise for driving precision management decisions, but still require work to better understand how detected changes relate to meaningful physiological changes. Under water stress, grapevines exhibit a range of responses involving both biological and physical changes within leaves and canopies.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Response of different grapevine cultivars to water stress using a hydroscape approach

Viticulture worldwide is currently affected by the effects of climate change. This set of adverse phenomena lead to a deterioration of functional vine mechanisms, affecting growth, physiology and grape ripening, which may cause severe losses with respect to yield and quality. To prevent water stress and other abiotic factors from severely affecting its physiology, the vine's response is to reduce transpiration and photosynthesis rates. This response varies depending on the cultivar and its ability to adapt to the environment. The hydroscape method is based on the internal regulation of water status in the plant. It has been recently used to classify grapevine genotypes according to their iso/anisohydric behavior when they are subjected to water stress conditions.

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GiESCOGiESCO 2023IVES Conference SeriesPoster session - Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress

Vineyard mulching offer many benefits beyond winter protection

Grapevines are susceptible to freezing damage at temperatures below -5°F during the winter season. Preventing winter injury to grapevines is a major challenge in many grape-producing regions. Conventional methods such as hilling-up soil over graft unions have been developed as winter protection methods for preventing vine loss. However, these practices have drawbacks such as soil erosion, vine damage and crown gall development.

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