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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Terroir Conferences 9 Category: Terroir 2010 ( Page 35 )

Proceedings of Terroir 2010

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IVES Conference SeriesNew methods and technologies to describe the environment (T2010)Terroir 2010

New methods and technologies to describe the environment in terroir studies

The concept of terroir in viticulture deals with the influence of environmental factors on vine behaviour and grape ripening. Recent advances in technology, in particular computer technology, allow a more in-depth study of the environment. Geomorphology can be studied with digital Elevation Models (DEM). Soils can be surveyed with geophysics.

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Ancient zoning in the world (T2010)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2010

Caractérisation et valorisation des terroirs de l’appellation d’origine contrôlée Puisseguin-Saint-Emilion

Le terroir viticole, qui est la base de la délimitation des aires d’Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée, est une notion complexe dans laquelle sont en interaction la vigne, les facteurs naturels tels que le sol, le climat, ainsi que le facteur humain à travers les pratiques des viticulteurs. Le terroir conditionne la composition des raisins et ainsi la qualité et la typicité des vins qui en sont issus.

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Ancient zoning in the world (T2010)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2010

Synthesis of the contribution of the Giesco (group of international experts of vitivinicultural systems for cooperation) to the study of terroirs

Since 1998, the GiESCO (previously named GESCO: Groupe d’Etude des Systèmes de COnduite de la vigne) has provided the scientific community with relevant contributions to the study of terroirs. Here is a synthesis of the main terroir-related fields and the major ideas the GiESCO has developed: Basic Terroir Unit and climate, Vine Ecophysiology and microclimate – moderate drought, Vineyard heterogeneity and new technologies, Viticultural Terroir Unit and canopy management, Terroir – Territory and man.

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