Assessment of environmental sustainability of wine growing activity in France
To meet the demand of assessment tool of vine growers and their advisers we adapted to the vine production the INDIGO® method to developed initially for arable farming.
To meet the demand of assessment tool of vine growers and their advisers we adapted to the vine production the INDIGO® method to developed initially for arable farming.
The importance of polyphenols, which are present in many vegetables and grapes too, is well-know and documented. Specific research works about the red grape
La société et l’état imposent plus que jamais à la viticulture française de prendre en compte ses impacts environnementaux tout en produisant des vins de qualité. Après avoir présenté ces impacts, les auteurs exposent la méthode de l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie. Ils proposent une démarche pour sa mise au point pour évaluer les impacts environnementaux en viticulture AOP en Val de Loire dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la compatibilité des objectifs qualitatifs et environnementaux de la production de raisins de cuve.
Evoquer la notion de durabilité pour la vigne, plante multimillénaire, et le vin, tous deux intimement liés aux origines de notre civilisation, peut paraître un non-sens.
The impact of viticulture on soil can be determined by comparing the biophysical properties that represent soil health at a particular site and depth with those same properties in soil considered to represent the ‘pre-vineyard’ state (the headland). Information gathered by this method shows the changes in soil properties following the change to viticulture depend on individual vineyard management and environment.
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Il lavoro si prefigge di esaminare la propensione alla modernizzazione della viticoltura del Veneto Occidentale, letto attraverso la diffusione di forme di allevamento a sviluppo contenuto.
S’intende per Piano Regolatore delle Città del Vino la metodologia per redigere la parte strutturale dello strumento comunale di governo del territorio. Parliamo, infatti, del principale strumento comunale di governo del territorio, così come è venuto maturando nella riflessione delle Città del Vino, strumento che si misura con la sfida di governare tutto il territorio in modo coerente e sostenibile, a partire dal riconoscimento del valore del “sistema vigneto” e della sua intrinseca fragilità.