Articles published in OENO One in August and September

8 articles were published in OENO One – vine and wine open access journal – in August and September 2019, click to read more: Cerutti, F., Cravero, D., Costantini, A., Pulcini, L., Modesto, P., Acutis, P. L., Vaudano, E., & Peletto, S. Impact of DNA purification...

IVES welcomes two new partners!

We are very proud to welcome two new private partners: Rotkäppchen-Mumm and Paradigm Winery! You can find the list of all our private partners here: To know more about partnership possibilities, click here:...

Articles published in OENO One in July

Eight articles were published in OENO One – vine and wine open access journal – in July 2019, click to read more: Torregrosa, L. J.-M., Rienth, M., Romieu, C., & Pellegrino, A. (2019) The microvine, a model for studies in grapevine physiology and...

We are looking for our “Editorial and communication manager”

The International Viticulture and Enology Society will hire a new staff member before the end of the year. His/her activities will cover: The launch of IVES Conference Series, an Open Access portal that will collate proceedings from international conferences in the...

Save the date: IVES-OENO One Science meeting 2020

The International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) organizes its fourth annual Science meeting on the 5th and 6th of February 2020. It will gather all the institutional members and privates partners of IVES for two days: 5th of February (Institut des Sciences de...