Le terre dei Lambruschi modenesi

La superficie vitata della provincia di Modena é per circa il 70% interessata dai Lambruschi, famiglia di vitigni tipica dei territori pianeggianti emiliani. Tra questi, i più rappresentativi sono il Lambrusco di Sorbara, il Lambrusco salamino e il Lambrusco grasparossa che, unico esempio, predilige gli ambienti collinari della provincia. Nel quinquennio 2001-2005 la Provincia di Modena ed il C.R.P.V. hanno coordinato la zonazione viticola di tutto il territorio dei Lambruschi modenesi, i cui risultati hanno consentito di individuare, in ciascuna zona D.O.C., alcune Terre in cui cias.

Three proximal sensors to estimate texture, skeleton and soil water storage in vineyards

Proximal sensors are becoming widely used in precision viticulture, due to the quick, easy and non-invasive identification of soil spatial variability. The apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is the main parameter measured by sensors, which is correlated to many factors, like soil water content, salinity, clay content and mineralogy, rock fragments, bulk density, and porosity.

The geological and geomorphological events that determine the soil functional characters of a terroir

The geology of a region is deemed to be an important component of terroir, as it influences the shape of the landscape and the climate of vineyard. The nature of rock and the geomorphological history of a terroir affect soil physical and chemical composition through a dynamic interplay with the changes of climate, vegetation and other living organisms, as well as with man activities.

Terroir, climat et sol

Le sol et le climat occupent une place prépondérante dans le concept de terroir, pour lequel l’OIV s’apprête à adopter une définition internationale. Les travaux de recherche qui ont été menés depuis une trentaine d’années sur ces thèmes et qui ont été, pour les plus importants, présentés dans les 7 premiers Congrès Internationaux des Terroirs Viticoles ont considérablement modifié les connaissances sur le fonctionnement des terroirs viticoles dans le monde et le comportement des consommateurs avertis par rapport aux vins de terroirs.