Terroir 1996

IVES 9 Tag: Terroir 1996

Vine environment interaction as a method for land viticultural evaluation. An experience in Friuli Venezia Giulia (N-E of Italy)

For a long time environment was known as one of the most important factors to characterize the quality of wines but at the same time it appears very difficult to distinguish inside the “terroir” the role of the single factor. These remarks partially explain why methods for viticultural evaluation are often quite different (Amerine et al., 1944; Antoniazzi et al., 1986; Asselin et al., 1987; Astruc et al., 1980; Bonfils, 1977; Boselli, 1991; Colugnati, 1990; Costantinescu, 1967; Costantini et al., 1987; Dutt et al., 1981; Falcetti et al., 1992; Fregoni et al., 1992; Hidalgo, 1980; Intrieri et al., 1988; Laville, 1990; Morlat et al., 1991; Scienza et al., 1990; Shubert et al., 1987; Turri et al., 1991).

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Aptitude du cépage Chenin à l’élaboration de vins liquoreux en relation avec certaines unités terroirs de base de A.O.C. Coteaux du Layon

Massif and the first sedimentary formations of the western aureole of the Paris Basin. If it is found all over the world (California, Israel, South Africa), it is in this region that it best asserts its identity. It is one of the most interesting grape varieties due to the variety and complexity of the wines it can produce. It can give very dry or very sweet, still or sparkling wines, fresh when young and sublime when ageing, expressing the characteristics of each vintage as much as those of the terroir. The Chenin is a faithful witness of its geographical, geological, pedological and climatic environment; he is the foil of the land. It has strong aptitudes for the production of sweet wines conditioned by overripe grapes often botrytised in the AOC Coteaux du Layon.Massif and the first sedimentary formations of the western aureole of the Paris Basin. If it is found all over the world (California, Israel, South Africa), it is in this region that it best asserts its identity. It is one of the most interesting grape varieties due to the variety and complexity of the wines it can produce. It can give very dry or very sweet, still or sparkling wines, fresh when young and sublime when ageing, expressing the characteristics of each vintage as much as those of the terroir. The Chenin is a faithful witness of its geographical, geological, pedological and climatic environment; he is the foil of the land. It has strong aptitudes for the production of sweet wines conditioned by overripe grapes often botrytised in the AOC Coteaux du Layon.

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Caractérisation et gestion de la maturation par terroir en Champagne

Pour prévoir et gérer chaque année les principales caractéristiques de la maturation en Champagne, le CIVC (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne) a développé un ensemble de moyens de prévision et d’information très performants qui permettent aux différents acteurs de la filière viti-vinicole de prendre en compte ces informations à l’échelle de chaque terroir communal pour la recherche d’une qualité optimale.

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Caractérisation des productions vitivinicoles des terroirs du Barolo (Piemonte, Italie)

La Région Piemonte a commencé en 1994 un projet de caractérisation des productions vitivinicoles des terroirs du Barolo (Piemonte, Italie) par une équipe pluridisciplinaire avec la participation de 6 Instituts de recherche qui travaillent dans la Région et la collaboration de 2 Associations des producteurs viticoles et des organismes de valorisation du vin Barolo.

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Characterization of vineyard sites for quality wine production using meteorological, soil chemical and physical data

The quality of grapevines measured by yield and must density in the northern part of Europe -conditions can be characterized as a type of “cool climate” – vary strongly from year to year and from one production site to another, i.e. différences in must densities can range from 30 to 50 °Oe. An explanation may be changes of weather conditions during critical developmental stages of the grapevines (2, 3, 5). These can be categorized as “macro climatic” influences.

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Cinétique de développement de la Pourriture Noble dans différents terroirs des Coteaux du Layon : mise au point d’une méthodologie

Dans la région des Coteaux du Layon, en Maine et Loire, l’effet terroir et son déterminisme sont étudiés dans le cadre de la production des vins liquoreux.
Ces vins sont le résultat d’une maturité poussée au delà de celle prévue par la nature afin de donner aux baies une teneur en sucre et en matière sèche très forte, pour mieux valoriser ces effets de la surmaturation, les baies sont récoltées selon la méthode des tries successives (Asselin et al, 1996). Ainsi, on ne récolte à chaque passage que les grains ayant atteint le niveau de concentration requis pour obtenir des vins à fort degré d’alcool avec des sucres résiduels.

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Comportement de différents clones de Sauvignon blanc dans certains terroirs viticoles du Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Nord-Est de l’Italie)

The worldwide reputation of Sauvignon Blanc has led technicians to ask themselves various questions about the cultivation of this variety: choice of the most suitable localities, the most effective agronomic strategies and the most appropriate wine-growing techniques, to bring out its particular aroma.

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Differentiating and grouping of oltrepo’ pavese environments according to grape maturation

The maturation patterns process has been very studied. In particular the modelization of the sugars and titratable acidity during the ripening period was an important approach, in particular for the prediction of harvest date (Barillere et al., 1988; Jourion et al.,1987; Maujean et al., 1983; Scienza, 1989). In Oltrepò Pavese, the widest viticultural district of Lombardy – Northern Italy – (about 15000 hectares), grape maturation trends shows high variability, due to the large variation in environmental characteristics of vineyards (altitude, exposure, soil type, mesoclimate) and to “cultivar x environment” interaction.

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Evolution of several biochemical compounds during the development of Merlot wine in the vinegrowing “Terroir” of Valea Călugăreasa

The qualitative and quantitative distribution of the phenolic compounds in red wines depends on cultivars features, on grapes maturation state, on grapes processing technology including must obtention, as well as on maceration-fermentation method (Margheri, 1981). The last two factors are responsible for the different phenolic composition of the wines produced from the same cultivar.

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Le Pinot noir dans la zone AOC des “Colli Orientali del Friuli” (nord-est de l’Italie) : influence de la forme de taille sur les paramètres viticoles et œnologiques du raisin et du vin

Pinot noir is an interesting vat variety for the high quality products it provides in the most suitable areas. In France, the most important Pinot Noir growing areas are Burgundy, Champagne, Alsace and the Loire. In Italy, Pinot Noir is grown almost exclusively in the northern regions of Trentino-Alto Adige, Lombardy and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

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Les activités peroxidasiques du raisin de quelques cépages de Roumanie

Les enzymes d’oxydation (polyphénoloxydase, peroxydase) des raisins sont d’origine génétique dépendantes des facteurs climatiques et agrotechniques (Sapis et al, 1983). Dans le processus technologique de l’obtention du moût de raisins, ces enzymes catalysent l’oxydation de certains composés phénoliques naturellement présents dans le raisin, produisant ainsi des modifications indésirables de la couleur et de l’arôme du vin.

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Les effets du terroir ou l’expression des potentiels à valoriser

Research into the effects of the Terroir is of major interest for the wine sector. The study of Terroir-Vine-Grape relations, even if it is complex, is fundamental for all viticulture: indeed, the quality of the grape must be the result of the most reasoned agro-viticultural management of the vine possible, which must first, to respect a production balance. The goal sought by the winegrower is to obtain a wine, the optimized result of the interactions Terroir-Grape variety. This link to the terroir is therefore essential to establish by taking into account on the one hand the behavior of the vine (which is the cause), and on the other hand, its effects on the grapes and finally on the wine.

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Premiers résultats d’une étude des caractéristiques analytiques et sensorielles de vins de Syrah selon leur terroir

A set of Syrah plots covering a wide range of terroirs distributed in the vineyards of the Rhone Valley and the Mediterranean South is examined through their oenological and sensory characteristics. The multidimensional analysis of data leads to the following groupings: (1) A group of unstructured wines with a simple aromatic profile dominated by fruity-floral notes; they come from plots where the ripening conditions have been disturbed by unfavorable climatic conditions, or an excess harvest.

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Quelles cibles moléculaires pourraient expliquer l’effet du terroir sur la composition des baies en sucres et acides?

Le manque de connaissances concernant la physiologie de la maturation du raisin a longtemps interdit d’interpréter l’effet du terroir ou du millésime sur la qualité des vendanges en termes moléculaires. L’hypothèse selon laquelle c’est la perméabilité membranaire qui contrôlerait le sens comme l’intensité du stockage des acides est pourtant déjà ancienne (1). L’étude du transport des acides organiques et de son coût énergétique permet d’avancer certaines hypothèses concemant les sites potentiels de la régulation du contenu en sucres et acides du raisin sous l’effet de paramètres environnementaux.

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