Oral – Grapevine in a changing environment

2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Assessment of plant water consumption rates under climate change conditions through an automated modular platform

The impact of climate change is noticeable in the present weather, making water scarcity the most immediate mediator reducing the performance and viability of crops, including grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). The present study developed a system (hardware, firmware, and software) for the determination of plant water use through changes in weight through a period. The aim is to measure the differences in grapevine water consumption in response to climate change (+4oC and 700 ppm) under controlled conditions. The results reveal a correlation between daily plant consumption rates and reference evapotranspiration (ETo).

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Combined use of leaf removal and natural shading to delay grape ripening in Manto negro (Vitis vinifera L.) under deficit irrigation 

The increasingly frequent heat waves during grape ripening pose challenges for premium wine grape production. This makes the development of irrigation and canopy management techniques of great importance to maximize yield and grape quality. A field experiment was carried out during 2021 and 2022 using Manto negro wine grapes to study the effect of two irrigation strategies and different light exposure levels on grape quality.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Effect of rising atmospheric CO2 levels on grapevine yield and composition by the middle of the 21st century: what can we learn from the VineyardFACE?

Atmospheric CO2 levels have been rising continuously since the industrial revolution, affecting crop physiology, yield and quality of harvest products, and grapevine is no exception [1]. Most of previously reported studies used potted plants in controlled environments, and explored grapevine response to relatively high CO2 levels, 700 ppm or more. The vineyardFACE, established in Geisenheim in 2012, uses a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) system to simulate a moderate (ambient +20%) increase in atmospheric CO2 in a vineyard planted with cvs. Cabernet-Sauvignon and Riesling grafted on rootstock 161-49 Couderc and SO4, respectively.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Effects of progeny in the modulation of the response to water stress in isohydric and anisohydric varieties

Each grapevine variety has a specific water use regulation response under drought, and it is still unclear whether this regulation results from innate genotypic behavior (iso- and anisohydric), or is a response to environmental factors, namely recurrent water stress priming effects. In the present work, we explored the influence of the field-grown genotypes’ drought memory in the drought-response phenotype of their vegetative progenies, in Trincadeira (isohydric) and Castelão (anisohydric) varieties under a drought event followed by recovery in a glasshouse. Cuttings from both cultivars subjected to full irrigation (FI) and non-irrigation (NI) treatments for 5 consecutive years were used.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Energy partitioning and functionality of photosystem II in water-stressed grapevines during heatwaves revealed by continuous measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence

The increased intensity and frequency of heatwaves, coupled with prolonged periods of drought, are a significant threat to viticulture worldwide. During these conditions the more exposed leaves can show visible symptoms of heat damage. We monitored the functionality of photosystem II (PSII) in the field to better understand the impact of heatwaves on canopy performance. A factorial experiment was established in summer 2023 using Shiraz grapevines in the Barossa valley of South Australia, involving water-stressed and well-watered vines.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Metabolomic profiling of heat-stressed grape berries 

The projected rise in mean air temperatures together with the frequency, intensity, and length of heat waves in many wine-growing regions worldwide will deeply impact grape berry development and quality. Several studies have been conducted and a large set of molecular data was produced to better understand the impact of high temperatures on grape berry development and metabolism[1]. According to these data, it is highly likely that the metabolomic dynamics could be strongly modulated by heat stress (HS).

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Predicting provenance and grapevine cultivar implementing machine learning on vineyard soil microbiome data: implications in grapevine breeding

The plant rhizosphere microbial communities are an essential component of plant microbiota, which is crucial for sustaining the production of healthy crops. The main drivers of the composition of such communities are the growing environment and the planted genotype. Recent viticulture studies focus on understanding the effects of these factors on soil microbial composition since microbial biodiversity is an important determinant of plant phenotype, and of wine’s organoleptic properties. Microbial biodiversity of different wine regions, for instance, is an important determinant of wine terroir.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

Retrospective analysis of our knowledge regarding the genetics of relevant traits for rootstock breeding 

Rootstocks were the first sustainable and environmentally friendly strategy to cope with a major threat for Vitis vinifera cultivation. In addition to providing Phylloxera resistance, they play an important role in protecting against other soil-borne pests, such as nematodes, and in adapting V. vinifera to limiting abiotic conditions. Today viticulture has to adapt to ongoing climate change whilst simultaneously reducing its environmental impact. In this context, rootstocks are a central element in the development of agro-ecological practices that increase adaptive potential with low external inputs. Despite the apparent diversity of the Vitis genus, only few rootstock varieties are used worldwide and most of them have a very narrow genetic background. This means that there is considerable scope to breed new, improved rootstocks to adapt viticulture for the future.

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesOral - Grapevine in a changing environment

The tolerance of grapevine rootstocks to water deficit is related to root morphology and xylem anatomy traits 

Climate change is altering water balances, thereby compromising water availability for crops. In grapevine, the strategic selection of genotypes more tolerant to soil water deficit can improve the resilience of the vineyard under this scenario. Previous studies demonstrated that root anatomical and morphological traits determine vine performance under water deficit conditions. Therefore, 13 ungrafted rootstock genotypes, 6 commercial (420 A, 41 B, Evex 13-5, Fercal, 140 Ru y 110 R), and 7 from new breeding programs (RG2, RG3, RG4, RG7, RG8, RG9 and RM2) were evaluated in pots during 2021 and 2022.

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