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Proceedings of the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024

Discover the abstracts and posters presented during the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024 (Open-GPB2024), held in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, from July 7th to 11th, 2024. This conference is organised by the Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV).

OPEN GPB 2024 – View all

IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Characterization of berry softening and sugar accumulation dynamics in a slow-ripening genotype and its response to abscisic acid treatments

In the current viticultural context, global warming leads to advanced and possibly accelerated ripening which can alter the balance among desirable grape quality traits sought for winemaking. Evaluation of genetic material that displays delayed and/or slower ripening could uncover a potential “slow ripening” trait for incorporation into commercial varieties through breeding. In this study, we evaluated a white-fruited selection discovered in the Grape Breeding and Genetics program at E. & J. Gallo Winery that displayed an unusual ripening pattern compared to standard varieties. Vines of the slow-ripening selection did not differ in their visual appearance, water status or gas exchange characteristics compared to vines of its normal-ripening sibling.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Advances in precision viticulture and phenotyping

Characterization of bunch compactness and identification of associated genes in a diverse collection of cultivars of Vitis vinifera L.

Compactness is a complex trait of V. vinifera L. and is defined ultimately by the portion of free space within the bunch which is not occupied by the berries. A high degree of compactness results in poor ventilation and consequently a higher susceptibility to fungal diseases, diminishing the quality of the fruit. The easiness to conceptualize the trait and its importance arguably contrasts with the difficulty to measure and quantify it. However, recent technical advancements have allowed to study this attribute more accurately over the last decade. Our main objective was to explore the underlying genetics determining bunch compactness by applying updated phenotyping methods in a collection of V. vinifera L. cultivars with a wide genetic diversity.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Characterization of four Chenin Blanc-rootstock combinations to assess grapevine adaptability to water constraint

Climate change impacts water availability for agriculture, notably in semi-arid regions like South Africa, necessitating research on cultivar and rootstock adaptability to water constraints. To evaluate the performance (vegetative and reproductive) of different Chenin Blanc-rootstock combinations to the two water regimes, a field experiment was established in a model vineyard at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Chenin Blanc vines grafted onto four different rootstocks (110Richter, 99Richter, 1103Paulsen and US 8-7) were planted in 2020. The vines are managed under two contrasting water conditions - dryland and irrigated (industry norm).

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Abiotic interactions

Characterization of the adaptive mechanisms of grapevine rootstocks to iron deficiency induced by lime stress

Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the important nutritional disorders for grapevine growing in alkaline and calcareous soils. Although Fe is an abundant element in soil, several factors limiting its availability, particularly the high levels of calcium carbonate or bicarbonate in soil, leading to a remarkable reduction in grapevine growth and productivity. The use of Fe chlorosis-tolerant rootstocks seems to be a cost-effective and efficient way to maintain Fe balance. Morphological and physiological changes occur in plants to cope with low Fe availability, including enhancement of ferric chelate reductase activity and altering root system by increasing lateral roots and root hairs.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Characterizing graft union formation in different scion/rootstock combinations of grapevine 

In most viticultural regions, grapevines are cultivated grafted, employing either hybrid or pure species of various American Vitis spp., such as V. berlandieri, V. rupestris, and V. riparia, as grapevine rootstocks. These rootstocks play a crucial role in providing resistance to the Phylloxera insect pest. Beyond Phylloxera resistance, it is desirable for grapevine rootstocks to exhibit resistance to other soil-borne pathogens and adaptability to abiotic stress conditions. The introduction of new rootstocks holds promise for adapting agriculture to climate change without altering the characteristics of the final harvested product.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Advances in omics and big data

Characterizing the molecular basis of the differences in aromatic precursors found in commercial clones of Vitis vinifera cv. Tannat

Uruguay is known for the production of Tannat wines, which is a neutral variety from an aroma point of view, but capable of providing aromatic precursors that are of interest in the production of wines for ageing. The main aromatic precursors present are glycosidic compounds and carotenoids. The contribution of carotenoid degradation by-products such as norisoprenoids to wine aroma is fundamental, as they are associated with pleasant aroma descriptors and very low olfactory perception thresholds. Several factors have been shown to influence carotenoid concentrations in grapes, such as cultivar, climatic conditions, viticultural region, plant water status, exposure to sunlight and ripening stage.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Abiotic interactions

Chemical activation of ABA signaling in grapevine through ABA receptor agonists

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and its derived products, in terms of cultivated area and economic volume, constitute the most relevant fruit crop in the world (7.5 million cultivated hectares). In the current context of climate change, the wine sector faces unprecedented challenges to satisfy a growing demand for wines of greater quality through sustainable viticulture. Global warming threatens quality wine production in Mediterranean wine regions in particular. The increase in heatwaves and drought episodes accelerate the vine phenology and alter the ripening and composition of grapes and wine. Extreme abiotic stress episodes compromise grape production and plant survival, intensifying the pressure on the use of limited resources like water. Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important hormone in the ripening of certain fruits and in plant response to abiotic stress.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Advances in precision viticulture and phenotyping

Combination of NIR multispectral information acquired from a ground moving vehicle with AI methods to assess the vine water status in a Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) commercial vineyard

Increasing water scarcity and unpredictable rainfall patterns necessitate efficient water management in grape production. This study proposes a novel approach for monitoring grapevine water status in a commercial vertically-shoot-positioned Vitis vinifera L. Tempranillo vineyard using non-invasive spectroscopy with a battery of different AI methods to assess vineyard water status, that could drive precise irrigation. A contactless, miniature NIR spectrometer (900-1900 nm) mounted on a moving vehicle (3 Km/h) was employed to collect spectral data from the vines' northeast side along six dates in season 2021.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Comparative QTL mapping of phenology traits in three cross populations of grapevine

Long-term studies on grapevine phenology have clearly demonstrated that global warming is affecting phenological events, leading to an anticipation in their timing, and negatively impacting grape yield and berry quality. Therefore, dissecting the genetic determinants involved in the plant regulation of the phenological stages of budburst, flowering, veraison and ripening can improve our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms and support plant breeding programs and the advancement of vineyard management strategies.
We report here the results of a QTL mapping experiment conducted on three segregating populations obtained from the crossing of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Corvina’, ‘Corvina’ and the hybrid ‘Solaris’ and ‘Rhine Riesling’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Abiotic interactions

Coping with extreme climatic events: some lessons from recent work on grapevine under heat peak

Climate change critically challenges viticulture. Among other threats, extreme and increasingly frequent heatwaves cause irreversible burns on leaves and bunches. A series of observations and experiments was conducted to better understand how leaf burns originate and whether genetics or management practices can mitigate them. In 2019, a panel of 279 potted cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. grown outdoors suffered a heat peak and a genetic origin of leaf burn variability was demonstrated. To deeper explore this variability, fourteen cultivars were selected for their contrasting responses to high temperatures, and detached leaves were submitted to a controlled increase in temperature up to 50 °C in a growth chamber.

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