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Proceedings of the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024

Discover the abstracts and posters presented during the Open International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 2024 (Open-GPB2024), held in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, from July 7th to 11th, 2024. This conference is organised by the Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV).

OPEN GPB 2024 – View all

IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Biotic interactions

Correlation between agronomic performance and resistance gene in PIWi varieties in the field

Today's viticulture faces a considerable challenge dealing with fungal diseases and limitations on the use of plant protection products (PPP) have increased the pressure to find more sustainable alternatives. One strategy may be the development and cultivation of disease-resistant grapevine varieties (PIWI) that could maintain crop productivity and quality while reducing dependence on PPP. In this work a set of 9 PIWI varieties (5 white and 4 red) deploying genes for resistance to powdery and downy mildew were evaluated in two consecutive years in Valdegón, La Rioja, with Tempranillo and Viura as controls. The objective was to correlate agronomic performance and disease incidence with the presence of disease resistance genes in two different seasons: with (2023) and without disease pressure (2022).

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Fruit and wine yield and composition

Cover crops under-vine impact on grapevine performance and vineyard soil microorganisms is highly affected by edaphoclimatic conditions at a regional scale 

Soil management through cover crops can influence the cycle of nutrients, promote water infiltration, decrease erosion, and enhance the soil microbiota biodiversity, improving the grapevine performance. However, the area under the vines tends to be left bare by applying herbicides or tillage to avoid competition with the crop in semi-arid climates. Use of covers under-vine might be an alternative to these practices aiming at grapevine quality and soil health improvement. The aim of this research was to study the implications of soil management under the vines (cultivation and cover crops) on growth, yield, berry composition and soil microbial communities. A cover crop composed by a mixture of legumes was sown and compared with a control (cultivation), which includes frequent tillage to keep the soil bare, in three areas characterized by different edaphoclimatic conditions in the region of Navarra.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Abiotic interactions

Cumulative effects of repeated drought stress on berry composition, and phenolic profile: Field experiment insights

Drought stress has a profound impact on grapevine productivity and significantly alters key quality-related traits of berries. Although research has been conducted on the effects of individual drought events, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the cumulative consequences of repeated exposure to water scarcity and the influence of the timing of stress imposition. To address this gap, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the impacts of repeated drought stress on yield, berry composition, and the phenolic profile of grape berries. The results indicate that yield is primarily influenced by pre-veraison water deficit. Although the number of clusters was only slightly reduced, a substantial decrease in berry size was observed, resulting in a notable reduction in overall yield.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Biotic interactions

Data deluge: Opportunities, challenges, and lessons of big data in a multidisciplinary project

Grapevine powdery mildew resistance is a key target for grape breeders and grape growers worldwide. The driver of the USDA-NIFA-SCRI VitisGen3 project is completing the pipeline from germplasm identification to QTL to candidate gene characterization to new cultivars to vineyards to consumers. This is a common thread across such projects internationally. We will discuss how our objectives and approaches leverage big data to advance this initiative, starting with genomics and computer vision phenotyping for gene discovery and genetic improvement. To manage and maintain resistances for long-term sustainability, growers will be trained through our nation-wide extension and outreach plan.

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Flash - New biotechnological toolsIVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024

Deciphering the function and regulation of VviEPFL9 paralogs to modulate stomatal density in grapevine through New Genomic Techniques

Stomata are microscopic pores mainly located in leaf epidermis, allowing gas exchanges between plants and atmosphere. Stomatal initiation relies on the transcription factor SPEECHLESS which is mainly regulated by the MAP kinase cascade, in turn controlled by small signaling peptides, the Epidermal Patterning Factors (EPF and EPF-Like), namely EPF1, EPF2 and EPFL9. While EPF1 and EPF2 induce the inhibition of SPEECHLESS, their antagonist, EPFL9, stabilizes it, leading to stomatal formation. In grapevine, there are two paralogs for EPFL9, VviEPFL9-1 and VviEPFL9-2. Despite their structural similarity, it remains unclear whether they are differentially regulated and have distinct roles.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Abiotic interactions

Decline of rootstock-mediated physiological responses in Tempranillo grapevines by prolonged extreme conditions

Agriculture faces many global warming challenges especially in the Mediterranean region. Many strategies have been proposed in viticulture to manage global warming. Rootstocks are among them since they may affect water uptake and the scion’s performance.
The study conducted in La Rioja, Spain, aimed to investigate the impact of different rootstocks (1103P and 161-49C) on the performance of the Tempranillo grapevine scion over a three-day cycles under drought and extreme conditions, specifically during a heatwave in July 2022, with maximum air temperatures up to 40ºC and average daily temperatures of 29.1ºC.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Poster - Advances in omics and big data

Defining gene regulation and co-regulation at single cell resolution in grapevine

Conventional molecular analyses provide bulk genomic/transcriptomic data that are unable to reveal the cellular heterogeneity and to precisely define how gene networks orchestrate organ development. We will profile gene expression and identify open chromatin regions at the individual cells level, allowing to define cell-type specific regulatory elements, developmental trajectories and transcriptional networks orchestrating organ development and function. We will perform scRNA-seq and snATAC-seq on leaf/berry protoplasts and nuclei and combine them with the leaf/berry bulk tissues obtained results, where the analysis of transcripts, chromatin accessibility, histone modification and transcription factor binding sites showed that a large fraction of phenotypic variation appears to be determined by regulatory rather than coding variation and that many variants have an organ-specific effect.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - New biotechnological tools

Development and application of CRISPR/Cas in grapevine

The development and application of CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas (CRISPR-associated protein) technologies have revolutionized genome editing in plants due to its simplicity, high efficiency, and versatility. As an economically important fruit crop worldwide, grapevine genome editing using CRISPR/Cas technologies has also been reported these years. Here we introduce the development briefly of the most popular CRISPR/Cas9 system and also the state-of-the-art CRISPR technologies developed so far. Moreover, we summarize CRISPR/Cas9-mediated applications for gene functional study and trait improvement in grapevine.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Advances in precision viticulture and phenotyping

Development of a semi-controlled setup for manipulating drought and heat stress in open field trials

Drought and heat stress will pose challenges for the future of viticulture and wine quality, as grapevine biological processes are pushed beyond their optimum conditions. Efforts are increasing to study and predict the effects of drought spells and heatwaves on grapevine physiology and resulting harvest quality. This calls for the development of adequate systems to induce and manipulate the required stress, especially in open field trials where conditions are more difficult to control. We present a semi-controlled system for studying drought and heat stress in grapevine in the field.

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IVES Conference SeriesOpen-GPBOpen-GPB-2024Oral - Plant vegetative and reproductive development

Developmental and genetic mechanisms underlying seedlessness in grapevine somatic variants

Seedless table grapes are greatly appreciated for fresh and dry consumption. There is also some interest in seedless winegrapes, because the combination of lower fruit set, smaller berries with higher skin/pulp ratio and looser bunches with the absence of seeds in crushed berries, a possible source of astringent tannins, might also have favorable effects on wine quality.
The gene VviAGL11 has been shown to play a central role in stenospermocarpy in Sultanina, but the molecular bases of other sources of stenospermocarpy as well as of parthenocarpy have not been clarified yet.

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